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kafka.common.MessageReader is a input argument of kafka-console-producer and we expect users can have their custom reader to produce custom records. Hence, MessageReader is a public interface and we should offer a java version to replace current scala code. Also, the new MessageReader should be placed at clients module. (kafka.common.MessageReader is in core module)

Public Interfaces

New interface and new module tools-api

Code Block
 * Typical implementations of this interface convert data from an `InputStream` received via `readRecords` into a
 * iterator of `ProducerRecord` instance. Noted that the implementations to have a public nullary constructor.
 * This is used by the ``.
public interface RecordReader extends Closeable, Configurable {
     * read byte array from input stream and then generate a iterator of producer record
     * @param inputStream of message. the implementation does not need to close the input stream.
     * @return a iterator of producer record. It should implement following rules. 1) the hasNext() method must be idempotent.
     *         2) the convert error should be thrown by next() method.
    Iterator<ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]>> readRecords(InputStream);

     * Closes this reader. This method is invoked if the iterator from readRecords either has no more records or throws exception.
    default void close() {}


  1. backward compatibility
    kafka.common.MessageReader implementations can keep working without recompilation. 
  2. deprecation
    1. kafka.common.MessageReader is deprecated
    2. the method init(InputStream inputStream, Properties props) is deprecated and replacement is configure(Map<String, ?> configs)
  3. migration plan: users have address following changes to complete code migration
    1. import the new dependency: tools-api
    2. change inheritance from kafka
    3. change inheritance from kafka.common.MessageReader to orgto
    4. change method signature from init(InputStream inputStream, Properties props) to configure(Map<String, ?> configs)
    5. remove the implementation of readMessage()
    6. implements the readRecords(InputStream) to return Iterator of records


  1. support the usage of Serializers (from Juma): this support could complicate the configs, since users have to define both MessageReader and serializer. It seems to me the mechanism of MessageReader should include serialization.
  2. move RecordReader to "org.apache.kafka.common": "org.apache.kafka.common" does not allow to import code from "org.apache.kafka.clients.producer". However, the tool-related interface should be able to access producer, consumer and admin code.
  3. move RecordReader to "org.apache.kafka.clients.tool": client module already has many pluggable interfaces. we should follow the package naming. The server-related pluggable interfaces are located at "org.apache.kafka.server", and thus tools-related interface should be located at ""
  4. new RecordReader implements Configurable: Implementing Configurable will change the arguments of configure method from (InputStream, configs) to (configs). That obstructs RecordReader from keeping input stream itself as some of that state.
  5. configurable(InputStream, configs) - diverges from the Configurable interface and it is strange to pass an InputStream to a configure method.
  6. move RecordReader to "" (client module): The tools module has same package so we should not create the same package on another module to avoid split package (