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Current state: Under Discussion

Discussion thread: here

JIRA: here

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


When running kafka-metadata-quorum script to get the quorum replication status, the LastFetchTimestamp and LastCaughtUpTimestamp output is not human-readable.

I will be convenient to add an optional flag (-hr, --human-readable) to enable a human-readable format showing the delay in ms (i.e. 366 ms ago).

Public Interfaces

A new optional flag called --human-readable with the shortcut -hr will be added to the kafka-metadata-quorum tool.

Code Block
$ bin/ -h
usage: kafka-metadata-quorum [-h] --bootstrap-server BOOTSTRAP_SERVER [--command-config COMMAND_CONFIG] [-hr] {describe} ...

This tool describes kraft metadata quorum status.

positional arguments:
    describe             Describe the metadata quorum info

optional arguments:
  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
  --bootstrap-server BOOTSTRAP_SERVER
                         A comma-separated list of host:port pairs to use for establishing the connection to the Kafka cluster.
  --command-config COMMAND_CONFIG
                         Property file containing configs to be passed to Admin Client.
  -hr, --human-readable  Print human-readable timestamps (default: false)

Proposed Changes

The current default output is as follows and will remain unchanged.

Code Block
$ bin/ --bootstrap-server :9092 describe --replication
NodeId	LogEndOffset	Lag	LastFetchTimestamp	LastCaughtUpTimestamp	Status  	
2     	551         	0  	1683732558012     	1683732558012        	Leader  	
3     	551         	0  	1683732557573     	1683732557573        	Follower	
4     	551         	0  	1683732557573     	1683732557573        	Follower

Instead, when passing the new flag, we will have the following output.

Code Block
$ bin/ --bootstrap-server :9092 -hr describe --replication
NodeId	LogEndOffset	Lag	LastFetchTimestamp	LastCaughtUpTimestamp	Status  	
2     	541         	0  	3 ms ago          	3 ms ago             	Leader  	
3     	541         	0  	366 ms ago        	366 ms ago           	Follower	
4     	541         	0  	366 ms ago        	366 ms ago           	Follower

$ bin/ --bootstrap-server :9092 --human-readable describe --replication
NodeId	LogEndOffset	Lag	LastFetchTimestamp	LastCaughtUpTimestamp	Status  	
2     	541         	0  	3 ms ago          	3 ms ago             	Leader  	
3     	541         	0  	366 ms ago        	366 ms ago           	Follower	
4     	541         	0  	366 ms ago        	366 ms ago           	Follower

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

The default behavior will remain unchanged to avoid breaking any tool relying on the current timestamp format.

Test Plan

A new test method will be added to MetadataQuorumCommandTest to verify default and new behaviors with regard to timestamp formatting.

Rejected Alternatives

Adding the full date in a human-readable format won't add much information here.