Versions Compared


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A client that supports this metric interface and identifies a supporting broker (through detecting at least GetTelemetrySubscriptionsRequestV0 in the ApiVersionResponse) will start off by sending a GetTelemetrySubscriptionsRequest with the ClientInstanceId field set to Null to one randomly selected connected broker to gather its client instance id, the subscribed metrics, the push interval, accepted compression types, etc. This handshake with a Null ClientInstanceId is only performed once for a client instance's lifetime. Subsequent GetTelemetrySubscriptionsRequests must include the ClientInstanceId returned in the first response, regardless of broker.

If a client attempts a subsequent handshake with a Null ClientInstanceId, the receiving broker may not already know the client's existing ClientInstanceId. If the receiving broker knows the existing ClientInstanceId, it simply responds the existing value back to the client. If it does not know the existing ClientInstanceId, it will create a new client instance ID and respond with that.

Upon receiving the GetTelemetrySubscriptionsResponse, the client shall update its internal metrics collection to match the received subscription (absolute update) and update its push interval timer according to the received PushIntervalMs. The first metrics push should be randomized between 0.5 * PushIntervalMs and 1.5 * PushIntervalMs. This is to ensure that not all clients start pushing metrics at the same time after a cluster comes back up after some downtime.

If GetTelemetrySubscriptionsResponse.RequestedMetrics indicates that no metrics are desired (RequestedMetrics is Null), the client should send a new GetTelemetrySubscriptionsRequest after the PushIntervalMs has expired. This is to avoid having to restart clients if the cluster metrics configuration is disabled temporarily by operator error or maintenance such as rolling upgrades. The default PushIntervalMs is 30000 ms (5 minutes).

If GetTelemetrySubscriptionsResponse.RequestedMetrics is non-empty but does not match any metrics the client provides, then the client should send a PushTelemetryRequest at the indicated PushIntervalMs interval with an empty metrics blob. This is needed so that a broker metrics plugin can differentiate between non-responsive or buggy clients and clients that don't have metrics matching the subscription set.


Error code


Client action


Broker failed to decode or validate the client’s encoded metrics.

Log a warning to the application and schedule the next GetTelemetrySubscriptionsRequest to 5 minutesPushTelemetryRequest after the push interval expires.

UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIPTION_ID (NEW)Client sent a PushTelemetryRequest with an invalid or outdated SubscriptionId. The configured subscriptions have changed.Send Immediately send a GetTelemetrySubscriptionRequest to update the client's subscriptions and get a new SubscriptionId.


Client’s compression type is not supported by the broker.

Send Immediately send a GetTelemetrySubscriptionRequest to get an up-to-date list of the broker's supported compression types (and any subscription changes).




Retries should preferably be attempted on the same broker connection, in particular for UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIPTION_ID, but another broker connection may be utilized at the discretion of the client.

How error errors and warnings are propagated to the application is client- and language-specific. Simply logging the error is sufficient.
