Versions Compared


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We will try to update this list regularly.

Pekko 1.0.1 & Pekko HTTP 1.0.0 & Pekko Connectors Kafka 1.0.0 & Pekko Management 1.0.0 & Pekko gRPC 1.0.0

These jars were all built in mid August 2023 and use the Pekko 1.0.1, Pekko HTTP 1.0.0, Pekko gRPC 1.0.0, Pekko Connectors Kafka 1.0.0 and Pekko Management 1.0.0 releases.We don't yet have all the snapshots ready.

  • pekko-grpc - 1.0.0-RC1-3-ae23c14d-SNAPSHOTpekko-connectors - 0.0.0+144173-703e9ccac12dde2b-SNAPSHOT
  • pekko-persistence-jdbc cassandra - 0.0.0+998-1114-6a9e58418714f01e-SNAPSHOT
  • pekko-persistence-cassandra jdbc - 0.0.0+998-11116a9e5841-f170d7eb-SNAPSHOT
  • pekko-persistence-dynamodb - 0.0.0+320-d07a5548-SNAPSHOT
  • pekko-persistence-r2dbc - 0.0.0+290291-fe300745020edbdc-SNAPSHOT
  • pekko-projection - 0.0.0+6869-6f80a745a10738b0-SNAPSHOT

Any other modules: use the latest version you can find in

Pekko 1.0.1 & Pekko HTTP 1.0.0 & Pekko Connectors Kafka 1.0.0 & Pekko Management 1.0.0


A slightly old set from mid August 2023 built before the Pekko gRPC 1.0.0



  • pekko-grpc - 1.0.0-RC1-3-ae23c14d-SNAPSHOT


  • pekko-connectors - 0.0.0+173-c12dde2b144-703e9cca-SNAPSHOT
  • pekko-persistence-jdbc - 0.0.0+998-6a9e5841-SNAPSHOT
  • pekko-persistence-cassandra - 0.0.0-11141111-8714f01ef170d7eb-SNAPSHOT


  • pekko-projection persistence-dynamodb - 0.0.0+69320-a10738b0d07a5548-SNAPSHOT

Still relevant

  • pekko-persistence-jdbc r2dbc - 0.0.0+998290-6a9e5841fe300745-SNAPSHOT
  • pekko-persistence-dynamodb projection - 0.0.0+32068-d07a55486f80a745-SNAPSHOT

Pekko 1.0.1 & Pekko HTTP 1.0.0 & Pekko Connectors Kafka 1.0.0
