Versions Compared


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  • Wiki Markup
    \[687404] logs/openejb.log725352] Integration Support Servlet for Tomcat/OpenEJB
  • Wiki Markup
    \[703049] CMP problems when embedded in Tomcat -- Database not found749343] Tomcat integration tools: Object invoker
  • Wiki Markup
    \[725781] OpenEJB 0.9.1 +749342] Tomcat 4.1.24 JMX Security issueintegration tools: Class browser
  • Wiki Markup
    \[702265749340] Tomcat Erroneousintegration Codetools: forEJB HelloOpenEJB.javaViewer
  • Wiki Markup
    \[746771749338] Stateless isIdentical bugTomcat integration tools: JNDI Browser
  • Wiki Markup
    \[699025687162] bin/ use dos eol format Easier CMP Finder method deploy support
  • Wiki Markup
    \[658834744270] PrimaryKeyCreate loadesopenejb.base twicevariable
  • Wiki Markup
    \[699044540425] bin/ use dos eol format Make OpenEJB executable from any directo
  • Wiki Markup
    \[675760732017] EntityTomcat remove() doesn't work with Supports trans attr
    Enhancements:integration explicit checks for openejb.home validity
  • Wiki Markup
    \[725352698103] IntegrationConfig Supportproperties Servletfor for Tomcat/OpenEJBStateless Container

Bugs fixed:

  • Wiki Markup
    \[749343687404] Tomcat integration tools: Object logs/openejb.log
  • Wiki Markup
    \[749342] Tomcat integration tools: Class browser703049] CMP problems when embedded in Tomcat -- Database not found
  • Wiki Markup
    \[749340725781] OpenEJB 0.9.1 + Tomcat integration tools: EJB Viewer4.1.24 JMX Security issue
  • Wiki Markup
    \[749338702265] TomcatErroneous integrationCode tools: JNDI Browserfor
  • Wiki Markup
    \[687162746771] EasierStateless CMP Finder method deploy supportisIdentical bug
  • Wiki Markup
    \[744270699025] Create openejb.base variablebin/ use dos eol format
  • Wiki Markup
    \[540425658834] MakePrimaryKey OpenEJB executable from any directoloades twice
  • Wiki Markup
    \[732017699044] Tomcat integration explicit checks for openejb.home validitybin/ use dos eol format
  • Wiki Markup
    \[698103] Config properties for Stateless Container675760] Entity remove() doesn't work with Supports trans attr