Versions Compared


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Proposed Changes

The proposed changes involve modifications aim to the following class:



In the ChannelBuilders class, we will update the existing createPrincipalBuilder method to Check for an additional Constructor:

Code Block
public static KafkaPrincipalBuilder createPrincipalBuilder(Map<String, ?> configs,
                                                               TransportLayer transportLayer,
                                                               Authenticator authenticator,
                                                               KerberosShortNamer kerberosShortNamer,
                                                               SslPrincipalMapper sslPrincipalMapper) {
        Class<?> principalBuilderClass = (Class<?>) configs.get(BrokerSecurityConfigs.PRINCIPAL_BUILDER_CLASS_CONFIG);
        KafkaPrincipalBuilder builder;

        if (principalBuilderClass == null || principalBuilderClass == DefaultKafkaPrincipalBuilder.class) {
            builder = new DefaultKafkaPrincipalBuilder(kerberosShortNamer, sslPrincipalMapper);
        } else if (KafkaPrincipalBuilder.class.isAssignableFrom(principalBuilderClass)) {
            try {
                Constructor<?> constructor = principalBuilderClass.getConstructor(KerberosShortNamer.class, SslPrincipalMapper.class);
                builder = (KafkaPrincipalBuilder) constructor.newInstance(kerberosShortNamer, sslPrincipalMapper);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                builder = (KafkaPrincipalBuilder) Utils.newInstance(principalBuilderClass);
            } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Error instantiating custom KafkaPrincipalBuilder", e);
        } else if ( {
   oldPrincipalBuilder =
                    createPrincipalBuilder(principalBuilderClass, configs);
            builder = DefaultKafkaPrincipalBuilder.fromOldPrincipalBuilder(authenticator, transportLayer,
                    oldPrincipalBuilder, kerberosShortNamer);
        } else {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Type " + principalBuilderClass.getName() + " is not " +
                    "an instance of " + + " or " +

        if (builder instanceof Configurable)
            ((Configurable) builder).configure(configs);

        return builder;

enhance the flexibility and usability of custom KafkaPrincipalBuilder implementations by introducing interfaces and subclasses to handle different types of principals and their configurations.

Specifically, two new interfaces have been introduced: KerberosPrincipalBuilder and SSLPrincipalBuilder, both of which extend the existing KafkaPrincipalBuilder interface. These interfaces provide methods to set the necessary configurations for building Kafka principals with Kerberos authentication and SSL authentication, respectively.

Additionally, the ChannelBuilders class has been updated to accommodate these changes and provide support for custom principal builders with different authentication mechanismsThis method will pass the custom KafkaPrincipalBuilder with SslPrincipalMapper and kerberosShortNamer objects if Constructor is available.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
