Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Updated flink-web quickstart change since it was moved to _include/q in FLINK-22922 (1bd371b2)


titlePromote the release

Once the release has been finalized, the last step of the process is to promote the release within the project and beyond. Please wait for 24h after finalizing the release in accordance with the ASF release policy.

Update japicmp configuration

Update the japicmp reference version and wipe exclusions / enable API compatibility checks for @PublicEvolving APIs on the corresponding SNAPSHOT branch with the script (see below).

For a new major release (x.y.0), run the same command also on the master branch for updating the japicmp reference version and removing out-dated exclusions in the japicmp configuration.

Make sure that all Maven artifacts are already pushed to Maven Central. Otherwise, there's a risk that CI fails due to missing reference artifacts.

Code Block
tools $ cd ..
$ git add *
$ git commit -m "Update japicmp configuration for $RELEASE_VERSION"

Merge website pull request

Merge the website pull request to list the release. Make sure to regenerate the website as well, as it isn't build automatically.

Remove outdated versions

For a new major release remove all release files older than 2 versions, e.g., when releasing 1.7, remove all releases <= 1.5.

For a new bugfix version remove all release files for previous bugfix releases in the same series, e.g., when releasing 1.7.1, remove the 1.7.0 release.

  1. If you have not already, check out the Flink section of the release repository on via Subversion. In a fresh directory:

    Code Block
     svn checkout --depth=immediates
     cd flink

  2. Remove files for outdated releases and commit the changes.

    Code Block
     svn remove flink-<version_to_remove>
     svn commit

  3. Verify that files  are removed

    Remember to remove the corresponding download links from the website.


Disable the cron job for the now-unsupported version from (tools/azure-pipelines/build-apache-repo.yml) in the respective branch.

Apache mailing lists

Announce on the dev@ mailing list that the release has been finished.

Announce on the release on the user@ mailing list, listing major improvements and contributions.

Announce the release on the mailing list.

Code Block
From: Release Manager
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Flink 1.2.3 released

The Apache Flink community is very happy to announce the release of Apache Flink 1.2.3, which is the third bugfix release for the Apache Flink 1.2 series.

Apache Flink® is an open-source stream processing framework for distributed, high-performing, always-available, and accurate data streaming applications.

The release is available for download at:

Please check out the release blog post for an overview of the improvements for this bugfix release:
<blob post link>

The full release notes are available in Jira:
<jira release notes link>

We would like to thank all contributors of the Apache Flink community who made this release possible!

Feel free to reach out to the release managers (or respond to this thread) with feedback on the release process. Our goal is to constantly improve the release process. Feedback on what could be improved or things that didn't go so well are appreciated.

Release Manager


Use to seed the information about the release into future project reports.

(Note: Only PMC members have access report releases. If you do not have access, ask on the mailing list for assistance.)

Flink blog

Major or otherwise important releases should have a blog post. Write one if needed for this particular release. Minor releases that don’t introduce new major functionality don’t necessarily need to be blogged (see flink-web PR #581 for Flink 1.15.3 as an example for a minor release blog post).

Please make sure that the release notes of the documentation (see section "Review and update documentation") are linked from the blog post of a major release.
We usually include the names of all contributors in the announcement blog post. Use the following command to get the list of contributors:

Code Block
# first line is required to make sort first with uppercase and then lower
export LC_ALL=C
export FLINK_PREVIOUS_RELEASE_BRANCH=<previousReleaseBranch>
export FLINK_CURRENT_RELEASE_BRANCH=<currentReleaseBranch>
# e.g.
# export FLINK_CURRENT_RELEASE_BRANCH=release-1.18
git log $(git merge-base master $FLINK_PREVIOUS_RELEASE_BRANCH)..$(git show-ref --hash ${FLINK_CURRENT_RELEASE_BRANCH}) --pretty=format:"%an%n%cn" | sort  -u | paste -sd, | sed "s/\,/\, /g"

Social media

Tweet, post on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other platforms. Ask other contributors to do the same.

Flink Release Wiki page

Add a summary of things that went well or that went not so well during the release process. This can include feedback from contributors but also more generic things like the release have taken longer than initially anticipated (and why) to give a bit of context to the release process.

End of Life for Unsupported versions

For major versions only. As per our support policy for old Flink versions when we release a new 1.x version we should start a discussion thread to end support for old versions.

  1. Check if there are any resolved critical/blocker issues in the version exiting support. For example if you have released 1.17.0 then 1.15 is now end of life. 
  2. Open a discussion thread to either 1/ start the final bugfix release or 2/ close the support window (example

Checklist to declare the process completed

  1. Website pull request to list the release merged
  2. Release announced on the user@ mailing list.
  3. Blog post published, if applicable.
  4. Release recorded in
  5. Release announced on social media.
  6. Completion declared on the dev@ mailing list.
  7. Update Homebrew: (seems to be done automatically - at least for minor releases  for both minor and major releases)
  8. Update quickstart scripts in flink-web, under the _include/q/ directory
  9. Updated the japicmp configuration
    • corresponding SNAPSHOT branch japicmp reference version set to the just released version, and API compatibiltity checks for @PublicEvolving  was enabled
    • (major only) master branch japicmp reference version set to the just released version
    • (major only) master branch japicmp exclusions have been cleared
  10. Update the list of previous version in docs/config.toml on the master branch.
  11. Set show_outdated_warning: true in docs/config.toml in the branch of the now deprecated Flink version (i.e. 1.15 if 1.17.0 is released)
  12. Update stable and master alias in

    Code Block
    if [ "${currentBranch}" = "master" ]; then
      echo "flink_alias=release-1.16" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
    elif [ "${currentBranch}" = "release-1.14" ]; then
      echo "flink_alias=stable" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
    if [ "${currentBranch}" = "master" ]; then
      echo "flink_alias=release-1.16" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
    elif [ "${currentBranch}" = "release-1.15" ]; then
      echo "flink_alias=stable" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}

  13. Update docs to "stable" in docs/config.toml in the branch of the just-released version:
  14. (major only) Update migration tests in master to cover migration from new version. Since 1.18, this step could be done automatically with the following steps. For more information please refer to this page.
    1. On the published release tag (e.g., release-1.16.0), run 

      Code Block
      $ mvn clean package -Pgenerate-migration-test-data -Dgenerate.version=1.16 -nsu -Dfast -DskipTests 

      The version (1.16 in the command above) should be replaced with the target one.

    2. Modify the content of the file apache/flink:flink-test-utils-parent/flink-migration-test-utils/src/main/resources/most_recently_published_version to the latest version (it would be "v1_16" if sticking to the example where 1.16.0 was released). 
    3. Commit the modification in step a and b with "[release] Generate reference data for state migration tests based on release-1.xx.0" to the corresponding release branch (e.g. release-1.16 in our example), replace "xx" with the actual version (in this example "16"). You should use the Jira issue ID in case of [release]  as the commit message's prefix if you have a dedicated Jira issue for this task.

    4. Cherry-pick the commit to the master branch. 
  15. (major only) Opened discussion thread for End of Life for Unsupported versions
