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So if you declare any of the given type above they will be provided by Camel. A note on the Exception is that it will bind to the caught exception of the Exchange. So its often usable if you use a POJO to handle a given using using eg an onException route.

What is most interresting interesting is that Camel will also try to bind the body of the Exchange to the first parameter of the method signature (albeit not of any of the types above). So if we for instance declare e parameter as: String body then Camel will bind the IN body to this type. Camel will also automatic type convert to the given type declared.


  • The value is either true or false which denotes a boolean value
  • The value is a numeric value such as 123 or 7
  • The value is a String enclosed with either single or double quotes
  • The value is null which denotes a {{null} value
  • It can be evaluated using the Simple language, which means you can use eg body, and other Simple tokens.



Its a good idea to use ${ } placeholders in the method option as shown in the example above. This makes it clear to the read, that this is a Simple token and the actual value is dynamic computed form the Exchange being routed.

If you want to pass in a {{null} value, then you can explicit define this in the method option as shown below:

Code Block

   .to("bean:orderService?method=doSomething(null, true)")

By specifying null as a parameter value, it instructs Camel to force passing in a null value.

Besides the message body, you can pass in the message headers as a java.util.Map type, and declare it as follows:
