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Hive User FAQ

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I see errors like: Server access Error: Connection timed out url=

Run the following commands:
cd ~/.ant/cache/hadoop/core/sources

How to run clientpositive/clientnegative unit tests?

To run clientpositive tests
ant -Dtestcase=TestCliDriver test

To run a single clientnegative test alter1.q
ant -Dtestcase=TestNegativeCliDriver -Dqfile=alter1.q test

To run a single contrib test alter1.q and overwrite the result file
ant -Dtestcase=TestContribCliDriver -Dqfile=alter1.q -Doverwrite=true test

To run a single test groupby1.q and output detailed information during execution
ant -Dtestcase=TestCliDriver -Dqfile=groupby1.q -Dtest.silent=false test

How to change the warehouse.dir location for older tables?
