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$ svn co sqoop

If you prefer using git, you can clone the Sqoop repository from Apache Git mirror by the following command:


Sqoop source code contains many unit tests that exercise its functionality. These tests can be run simply by using the following command:

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ant test

Setting up and running third-party tests

Third-party tests are end-to-end integration tests that exercise the basic Sqoop functionality against third-party databases. You should run these tests in order to rule out regression when testing any changes to the core system. Before you run these tests, you must setup the following databases:

Create third-party lib directory

Create a directory somewhere convenient on your development system. This directory will hold all the JDBC drivers that the tests will use. Once created, create (or edit) the file in Sqoop workspace root directory and set the the full path of this directory as the value of the property sqoop.thirdparty.lib.dir. For example:

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Setting up and running third-party tests

Third-party tests are end-to-end integration tests that exercise the basic Sqoop functionality against third-party databases. You should run these tests in order to rule out regression when testing any changes to the core system. Before you run these tests, you must setup the following databases:

Setting up MySQL
  • Install MySQL version 5.1.x with necessary client tools. You can install the server in a different host than your development host if necessary. However, you must have the client tools available on your development host including the JDBC driver, and batch utilities such as mysqldump and mysqlimport.
  • Place the JDBC driver in the third-party lib directory that you created earlier.
  • The location of MySQL server is specified in the file by the value for the property sqoop.test.mysql.connectstring.host_url. This property defaults to jdbc:mysql://localhost/ which assumes local installation and default port setup. If however your MySQL server is installed on a different host or on a different port you should specify it explicitly as follows:
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  • In order to run the MySQL third-party tests, you would need to configure the database as follows:
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    $ mysql -u root -p
    mysql> CREATE DATABASE sqooppasstest;
    mysql> CREATE DATABASE sqooptestdb;
    mysql> use mysql;
    mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on sqooppasstest.* TO 'sqooptest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '12345';
    mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sqooptestdb.* TO 'yourusername'@'localhost';
    mysql> flush privileges;
    mysql> \q


  • Install Oracle 10.2.x or later and download the corresponding JDBC driver.
  • Place the JDBC driver in the third-party lib directory that you created earlier.
  • The location of Oracle server is specified in the file by the value for the property This property defaults to jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost/xe which assumes local installation and default port setup. If however your Oracle server is installed on a different host or on a different port you should specify it explicitly as follows:
    Code Block<oraclehost>:<port>/<sid>
  • In order to run Oracle third-party tests, you would need to configure the database as follows:
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    $ sqlplus system/<password>@<sid>
    SQL> CREATE USER SQOOPTEST identified by 12345;
    SQL> exit
  • Note: If you are using Oracle XE and see an error like ORA-12516, TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack, you are likely running into connection exhaustion problem. To circumvent this, log into the Oracle server as SYSTEM, run the command below and restart your server.
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    $ sqlplus system/<password>@<sid>
    SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET processes=200 scope=spfile;
    SQL> exit
Running third-party tests

Once you have installed and configured all the above databases - MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle, you are now ready to run the third-party tests. To run them issue the following command:

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$ ant test -Dthirdparty=true

Setting up and running manual tests

Certain third-party tests are categorized as Manual tests since these were introduced at a later stage and adding them to the third-party suite of tests would have resulted in ever test environment requiring new database installation.

Setting up SQL Server
  • Install SQL Server Express 2008 R2 or above.
  • Download and place the JDBC driver in the third-party lib directory that you created earlier.
  • The location of SQL server is specified in the file by the value for the property sqoop.test.sqlserver.connectstring.host_url. This property defaults to jdbc:sqlserver://sqlserverhost:1433 which assumes installation on a host called sqlserverhost and port 1433 setup. If however your SQL server is installed on a different host or on a different port you should specify it explicitly as follows:
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  • In order to run SQL server manual tests, you would need to configure the database as follows:
    • Create a database called SQOOPTEST.
    • Create a login with name SQOOPUSER and password PASSWORD.
    • Grant all access for database SQOOPTEST to the login SQOOPUSER.
Setting up DB2 Server
  • Install DB2 9.74 Express C.
  • Download and place the JDBC driver in the third-party lib directory that you created earlier.
  • The location of DB2 server is specified in the file by the value for the property sqoop.test.db2.connectstring.host_url. This property defaults to jdbc:db2://db2host:50000 which assumes installation on a host called db2host and port 50000 setup. If however your DB2 server is installed on a different host or on a different port you should specify it explicitly as follows:
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  • In order to run DB2 server manual tests, you would need to configure the database as follows:
    • Create a database called SQOOP.
    • Create a login SQOOP with password PASSWORD.
    • Grant all access for database SQOOP to login SQOOP.
Running manual tests

Once you have installed and configured all the above databases - SQL Server and DB2, you are now ready to run the manual tests. To run them, issue the following command:

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$ ant test -Dmanual=true