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Formerly named OODT Easy Install : The effort was renamed to RADiX to help delineate it from the core distribution of OODT. RADiX will be both easy and awesome.


The high level goal of this effort is to build a distribution of OODT that sets up, installs, and runs within five commands. While five commands may seem arbitrary the number serves to push this effort to the edge of ease of setup and configuration required to get going. This distribution of OODT will include both a deployment and source structure for managing the evolution of your installation of OODT.


This wiki will be used to capture thoughts, ideas and plans for the first archetypes we develop for OODT. To keep things simple we are going to initially focus on a small number of modules that are typically deployed and configured together. Finally, our goal is to build an 80% solution that works in most cases to get people out of the gates and running with a full OODT solution. We believe this effort will help increase adoption and conformity amongst installations of an already great system.


Long, long, ago there was a thought that making some archetypes for OODT would be great to get people going. Of course we already had example projects along with each of our components but let's be honest how many of us started from those? Okay, so a few did but that's not the point. Sometime later a wise man pondered that it might be cool to borrow the idea Cloudera like distribution for OODT. That of course fizzled, until sometime recently a young padawan came along and said OODT should just be easier. The archetype guy said, you are right and that's what I've been saying. Of course, being that the idea was always in the aether and not a reality no one knew. That is until now. RADiX is the realization of what has been brewing and itch that has been waiting to be scratched. It builds on stuff we have done all along but brings our work to the forefront and helps it shine. This new way of working with OODT will not be for everyone but we hope that it will give the 80% solution and that,"Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."


  • The initial archetype will export RELEASED versions of OODT
  • The initial archetype will export Crawler, FileManager and Workflow Manager ONLY (they will be bundled together and configured to work together)
    • other modules will be added in the future
  • FileManager Policy will be read recursively from the components/filemanager/policy directory. This will remove the requirement to make properties updates when additional policy files are added in sub-directories.
