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Comment: It needed Headings!

Please read this note in its entirety. It contains important information related to this mailing list, its migration to the Apache Software Foundation, and the steps you must take to ensure continuous access to the list.


As you may have heard, Oracle contributed the (OOo) code to Apache in June. All new projects at Apache start in the "Incubator", a special part of Apache where new projects ("Podlings") and their communities are given special attention by Apache "mentors" as they learn about Apache, ensure that the source code meets Apache's license requirements, and work toward their initial Apache release.


Additional relevant information is published in our project blog at:


Among the services hosted by Oracle on the legacy OOo servers are over 300 mailing lists, including the <insert-legacy-mailing-list-name> mailing list you are reading now.  In order to preserve your subscription to the list, you will need to resubscribe to the new list address, per the following instructions:


We invite and encourage you to follow the above steps and to participate in Apache project. If you have any questions, feel free to post as responses to this note, or send a question to


  1. We recommend that you do not subscribe via a legacy email address. It is uncertain at this point whether these addresses will be supported in the future.
  2. Archives of the legacy mailing lists are available here:
  3. Archives of the new mailing lists will be available here: <list-archives-url>
  4. If you prefer to access the list via Gmane, please post a request on the new list and we will try to accommodate you.

The Apache (Incubating) Project Management Committee