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Product name decision & next steps

Wiki Markup
The PPMC approved Apache OpenOffice as the product and project name on November 17, 2011.\[1\]

Next steps

  • Wiki Markup
    All PPMC members review ASF branding and trademark policies and guidelines.\[2\]
  • Gain concensus from PPMC members to request the ASF register the name and trademark prior to graduation by sending request to trademarks@
  • Create a brief one sentence description of the function of the product. Gain concensus of the PPMC and publish.
  • Create logo and graphic for the new Apache OpenOffice brand. Gain concensus of the PPMC and publish.
  • Ensure all project or product homepages feature prominent trademark attribution for the Apache OpenOffice mark. At the top of each project or product homepage, and on the top banner of each page where the project name appears, include a "TM" symbol next to the first main occurrence of the "Apache OpenOffice" project name. 
  • Wiki Markup
    Create an ASF DOAP 'description of a project'. \[3\]

Wiki Markup
\[1\] [|]

Wiki Markup

Wiki Markup
\[3\] [|]

Choice of possible product names


  • URL/Domain name
  • Logo (see "")
  • Splash Screen (see menu "Help - About")
  • Copyright text (see menu "Help - About")
  • Wiki Markup
    Credits text (see menu Help - About" and \[Ctrl\]\+\[S\]\+\[D\]\+\[T\])
  • Application/component names
  • Affiliate/supporter banners
  • Social media
