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New Field

Related JIRA


Add correlation id to all requests

All requests



A field to make it possible to multiplex requests over a single socket. This field would be set by the client and would be returned by the server with the response. This would allow a client to make multiple requests on a socket and receive responses asynchronously and know which response was for which request.

Reduce duplication in APIs




Currently we have both ProduceRequest and MultiProducerRequest and FetchRequest and MultiFetchRequest. The Multi*Request is just the single request version repeated N times. There are a few problems with this: (1) the ProduceRequest and FetchRequest are just special cases of the general Multi*Request format with no real benefit to them (the reason for their existence is largely historical), (2) having both means more API formats to maintain and evolve and test. We should get rid of the single topic/partition APIs and rename the existing Multi*Requests to ProduceRequest and FetchRequest to keep the naming clean.

Reduce repetition of topic name in Multi* APIs

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="006b7d17d2dd5613-895e2448-49174122-9eeb9c3f-f4c83f6e8bf96997e82e926f"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[MultiFetchRequest



Currently the form of the APIs for the Multi* requests looks something like this: [(topic, partition, messages), (topic, partition, messages), ...]. (Here square brackets denote a variable length list and parenthesis denote a tuple or record). This format is driven by the fact that the Multi* requests are really just a bunch of repeated single topic/partition ProducerRequests. This is really inefficient, though, as a common case is that we are producing a bunch of messages for different partitions under the same topic (i.e. if we are doing the key-based partitioning). It would be better for the format to be [(topic, [(partition, messages), ...], topic, [(partition, messages), ...], ...]. This would mean that each topic name is only given once per request no matter how many partitions within that partition are being produced to.


Support "long poll" fields in fetch request




Add two fields to the fetch request which cause the request to not immediately response. Currently fetch requests always immediately return, potentially with no data for the consumer. It is hence up to the consumer to continually poll for updates. This is not desirable. A better approach would be for the consumer request to block until either (1) min_bytes are available in total amongst all the topics being requests or (2) max_wait time in milliseconds has gone by. This would greatly simplify implementing a high-throughput, high-efficiency, low-latency consumer.

Add producer acknowledgement count and timeout


required_acks: int8
replication_timeout: int32


Currently the produce requests are asynchronous with no acknowledgement from the broker. We should add an option to have the broker acknowledge. The orginal proposal was just to have a boolean "acknowledgement needed" but we also need a field to control the number of replicas to block on, so a generalization is to allow the required_acks to be an integer between 0 and the number of replicas. 0 yields the current async behavior whereas > 1 would mean that in addition to blocking on the master we also block on some number of replicas.
The replication timeout is the time in ms after which the broker will respond back with an error even if the required number of acknowledgements have not been sent.

Add offset to produce response


message_set_offset: int64


As discussed in KAFKA-49 it would be useful for the acknowledgement from the broker to include the offset at which the message set is available on the broker.

Separate request id and version

All requests

version_id: int16


Currently we have a single int32 that identifies both the api and the version of the api. This is slightly more confusing then splitting out the request id and the version id into two 16 bit fields. This isn't a huge win but it does make it more clear the intention when bumping the version number versus adding a new request entirely.

Add a client id

All requests

client_id: string


Currently we can only correlate client applications to server requests via the tcp connection. This is a pain. It would be good to have a shared logical id for each application so that we can track metrics by client, log it with errors, etc.

Add replica id to fetch request


replica_id: int32


This replica id allows the broker to count the fetch as an acknowledgement for all previous offsets on the given partition. This should be set to -1 for fetch requests from non-replicas outside the cluster.

Open Questions

  1. Can we do a one-time incompatabile refactoring for this?
    1. Pros: no need to keep the old stuff working while adding the new stuff
    2. Con: hard to roll out. Requires updating all clients in other langs at the same time.
    3. One thought on this is that it is probably not too hard to make most of the above changes as new request types and map the old request types to the new. However if we are changing the request id and version id scheme then this will likely not be possible.
    4. If we want to do a 0.7.1 release we will need to figure out a sequencing and branching strategy so that no backwards-incompatable changes block this.
  2. Any other fields need for replication or other use cases we know about?
  3. Currently the multi-* responses give only a single error. I wonder if this is sufficient or do they potentially need more. For example if you send a produce request to the wrong partition we need to tell you the right partition, which would be different for each partition.


No Format
  size: int32 // the size of this request
  request_id: int16 // the request id
  version_id: int16 // the version of this request
  correlation_id: int32 // an id set by the client that will be returned untouched in the response
  client_id: string // an optional non-machine-specific  requiredidentifier for this client
  required_acks: int8 // the number of acknowledgements required from the brokers before a response can be made
  ack_timeout: int32 // the time in ms to wait for acknowledgement from replicas
 data data: [<topic_data_struct>] // the data for each of the topics, defined below

topic_data_struct =>
    topic: string // the topic name
    partition_data: [<partition_data_struct>] // the data for each partition in that topic, defined below

partition_data_struct =>
   partition: int32 // the partition id
   messages: message_set // the actual messages for that partition (same as existing)


No Format
  size: int32 // the size of this response
  correlation_id: int32 // an id set by the client returned untouched in the response
  global_error: int16 // the id of the error that occurred (if any)
  errors: [int16] // per-partition errors, one for each message set sent (or all -1 if none)
 offsets offsets: [int64] // the offsets for each off the message sets supplied, in the order given in the request


No Format
  size: int32 // the size of this request
  request_id: int16 // the request id
  correlation_id: int32 // an id set by the client returned untouched in the response
  version_id: int16 // the version of this request
  correlationclient_id: int32string // an optional non-machine-specific identifier for this client
  replica_id: setint32 by// the client returned untouched in the response
  maxnode id of the replica making the request or -1 if this client is not a replica
  max_wait: int32 // the maximum time to wait for a "full" response to accumulate on the server
  min_bytes: int32 // the minimum number of bytes accumulated to consider a response ready for sending
  topic_offsets: [<offset_data>]

offset_data =>
  topic: string
  partitions: [int32]
  offsets: [int32]


No Format
  size: int32 // the size of this response
  correlation_id: int32 // an id set by the client returned untouched in the response
  error: int16 // theglobal iderror offor thethis errorrequest that occurred (if any)
  data data: [<topic_data_struct>] // the actual data requested (in the same format as defined for the produce request)