Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


After the test run ends, a test report will be generated in
"~/hivetests/reportsreport/TIMESTAMP"; the main file is named "report.html". Since
JUnit properties lists take up a lot of space, by default they are generated in
separate ".html" files and linked from "report.html". If you want to generate
just one file (for easy copying for example) you can use "--one-file-report"
switch and the properties will be embedded in "report.html". Keep in mind that
instead of getting a ~300k file, you'll get one that might be more than 10MB.


This will generate report in "~/hivetests/reportsreport/D123". If there was already a
report with that name it will be removed.


".q.out" files from TestCliDriver and TestNegativeCliDriver runs will be copied
to "~/hivetests/reportsreport/TIMESTAMP/out" so they are available in one place.


"hive.log" files from all test runs will be copied to
"~/hivetests/reportsreport/TIMESTAMP/outlogs" and will be renamed to
