Versions Compared


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Comment: Touch-ups and Progression of Installation


This instance of the scenario is using a configuration of Windows Vista that already has three other ODF-supporting applications installed:

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  • Different versions of Window
    • The next version of Windows available for testing
    • The oldest supported platform
    • One older than the oldest supported platform (for the purpose of determining what the failure is like, if any).
  • Different processor/platform combinations
  • Different combinations with no related applications/dependencies installed, with other applications installed --dh:2011-12-22T05:51Z
  • Different previous user configuration cases
    • Installed for all users or one (different?) user account
    • Individual user configuration choices and options
    • Individual users extensions and (different) user ones – dh:2011-12-27T00:32Z
  • TODO: Complete the reporting on all confirmation screen-shots and their annotation
  • TODO: Place anchors on all sections where there may be associated bug reports
  • TODO: Create bugzilla reports for issues noticed so far – dh:2011-12-27T02:09Z

Download Presence

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Installation was initiated by double-clicking the downloaded installer file.

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Verification of the Setup Installer

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Once the installer is verified, it is discovered that the first stage is not yet complete.

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Now it gets very confusing. When the "Select Folder" dialog comes up next, I immediately go into the Browse option. Here I am setting up a new folder in the same UNC location that I downloaded the installer to, identifying which installation I am using it with:

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  • This examples uses a UNC location on a local-area file server.
  • Installing setup on a CD-R/W drive might be interesting.
  • Installing setup on a flash drive would also be useful.
  • I assume that a CD-ROM install would already have the setup expanded into a folder that auto-run or a manual setup execution could use. It would be interesting to confirm that this is an easily-constructed variation for future re-install, installation on multiple systems, etc.
  • Check Failure Modes

      Unpacking the Setup Files

      At this point, it is the setup files that are being installed, not itself. This is how that appears before the unpack is started:

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        • If the selection or folder created is incorrect in some way, verify that the failure is resilient and, ideally, can be backed out from.
          • Improper characters in a new folder or folders names
          • Access authorization issues
          • Creating a too-long path/file name in the dialog or as the result when the setup files are unpacked – dh:2011-12-27T01:40Z

      Unpacking the Setup Files

      At this point, it is the setup files that are being installed, not itself. This is how that appears before the unpack is started:

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      • This dialog first appears with a default (pre-filled destination) that is on the users desktop. This is an absurd This dialog first appears with a default (pre-filled destination) that is on the users desktop. This is an absurd location:
        • Most users don't think of this as part of the file system (though some very naive users put everthing on their desktop).
        • There is no indication of the consequences of a particular choice or whether there is some special reason for defaulting to the desktop.
        • It is not clear whether the folder can be safely deleted without causing difficulties. At one point I found out that installing a later version would fail if the previous setup were removed, because it was needed to uninstall the previous version.
      • For those reasons, I have adopted the practice of putting setup folders on a shared server location where I keep them for an extended period of time without cluttering my desktop.
      • I have let this software train me to treat this as ordinary and, while I remark on it to myself every time I do an OO.o install, I have come to step through it without question.


      Now the setup files are being unpacked into a place where the setup can be run.

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      The "Show Details" display provides a running log of the unpacking and initiation of the execution of the next stage.

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      Installation Wizard Start Screen

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      If the space requirements are satisfied, there is an option to proceed:

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      Select User and Provide Customer Information

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      This single dialog combines two separable configuration cases:


      • Take the "Anyone" case
        • See what happens when other individual setups also exist
      • See what happens when a previous installation was "Anyone" followed by an "Only me" for a later version.
      • See if earlier versions can be installed in an account if there are later versions set up for other accounts.
      • Consider other out-of-sync product/version cases.
      • Consider the case when other "Only me" or an "Anyone" has different localization and internationalization and their specific extensions

      Choose Setup Type

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      • Check Failure Modes
        • Too-long entries for User Name or Organization?
        • Character set limitations for User Name and Organization?
          • Try special characters that may have difficulty when encoded in XML element or attribute values – dh:2011-12-27T01:43Z

      Choose Setup Type

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      • The appearance of product and version information is the same as on the previous Installation Wizard dialog frame.
      • This install uses the default "Typical" setup type.
      • There's that setup word again. Three times on this dialog frame.
      • It is worth mentioning that one can backup and change the Setup Type. It is useful to select Custom just to see what is selected for the default/Typical.


      • None


      • TODO: Take the Custom option and explore its impact, what the different selections provide

      Ready to Install the Program

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      • None?
      • META-BUG Confluence Wiki doesn't show the selection of images properly as this many are added to the page.


            • This doesn't happen on all cases. The edge case may have to do with how full the rows are and when scrolling of the rows of images starts.


          • Don't create a link
            • See if existing links
            Don't create a link
            • See if existing links are removed in this case
          • Back up to earlier dialogs and see that the next path comes through clean
            • Switch from Custom to Typical setup type
            • Switch the Setup User Location(s)
            • Vary other details, such as installation folder for the software

          Installation Progress Status

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          The installation screen reports stages and uses progress bars.

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          • Now there are five places where the product and/or version are mentioned.
          • The variation from dialog frame to dialog frame is only in the Status: description and the progress bar.
          • Note that there is no Back or Next exit while this happens, only Cancel.


          • None?


          • Cancel the installation at various stages and see what the exit/recovery process is
          • Explore what is left on the system
          • See if resumption via the saved setup installation works

          Internationalization Cross-Talk/Defects?

          Here, there is an odd situation. A series of dialog frames provide status descriptions in Italian:

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          • The suspicion is that the incorrect language for these messages is a function of the previous, 3.3.0 version, being an Italian-language localization.
          • These messages seem to reflect that the previous version is being removed and that its uninstaller is performing the work.


          • BUG: The incorrect source of these messages is a problem. If it is a dependence on the previous-version uninstaller there are other potential difficulties.


          • See what happens when a previous, different-localization has already been removed or is set up for a different user(s) combination.