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  • method - the request method to use (GET or POST). Default: GET.
  • multipart - whether form submittion should use content type: multipart/form-data. Implies POST method. Default: false.
  • event names - a list of event names for which the Ajax call will be executed. For example: click, change, keyup, etc. Default: domready.
  • form id - the id of the form which should be submitted with this Ajax call. Default: nothing.
  • submitting component name - the input name of the component which submits the form. Default: nothing.
  • data type - what kind of data is expected in the response of the Ajax call (e.g. XML, JSON, HTML, JSONP). Default: xml.
  • is wicket ajax response - a flag which indicates whether the response is <ajax-response> which is handled by wicket-ajax.js or custom response type which can be handled by application's code (e.g. in IAjaxCallListener's success handler). Default: true.
  • preconditions - a list of preconditions JavaScript function bodies which may abort the Ajax call. Return 'false' from any precondition to abort the call. Default: the element is attached to the document.
  • channel - the name and type of the Ajax channel to use. Channels are used to queue the Ajax requests at the client side. See org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxChannel javadoc for more details. Default: channel with name '0', and 'queue' behavior.
  • ajax call listeners - a list of listeners which are called at the most important points of the lifetime of the Ajax call. See below for more information. Default: empty list.
  • extra parameters - a map of parameters which should be added to the query string/post data of the Ajax call. The name and value of such parameters should be known at the server side. Default: empty map.
  • dynamic extra parameters - parameters which values are calculated at the client side and added dynamically to the query string/post data of the Ajax call. Default: empty list.
  • request timeout - a timeout to abort the request if there is no response. Default: no timeout.
  • allow default - a flag which indicates whether to allow the default behavior of the HTML element which listens for the event. For example: clicking on Ajax checkbox should allow the default behavior to actually check the box. Default: false.
  • async - a flag that indicates whether the Ajax call should be asynchronous or not. Default: true.
  • throttling settings - settings which define whether the Ajax call should be throttled and for how long. See the javadoc of org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.ThrottlingSettings for more information. Default: no throttling.

While constructing the JavaScript that will register the event listener for that Ajax component/behavior these settings are serialized to optimized JSON object which is passed as a parameter to Wicket.Ajax.(get|post|ajax) methods.
For example an AjaxLink contributes JavaScript similar to :
