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How to cut a new Apache Empire-db



This document explains how to cut a new empire-db release. Since we normally do this in Linux I expect you to have a Linux enironment at hand. For windows users Cygwin might be a solution. This document is based on the Maven release documentation.

The general incubator release guide is available here: Added
but since we are out of incubation the docs are here: Modified
The apache central maven repo release guide is available here:



Wiki Markup
You will be asked about the release versions. Make sure you enter a *correct tag: apache-empire-db-\[version\]-incubating-rc\[nr\]*. Once the release vote passes we can then copy this -rcX tag to the final version tag.

Code Block
>mvn5 clean install
>mvn5 clean release:clean
>mvn5 release:prepare -Papache-release
[INFO] Checking dependencies and plugins for snapshots ...
What is the release version for "Apache Empire-db Parent"? (org.apache.empire-db:empire-db-parent) 2.0.5-incubating: : 
What is SCM release tag or label for "Apache Empire-db Parent"? (org.apache.empire-db:empire-db-parent) empire-db-parent-2.0.5-incubating: : apache-empire-db-2.0.5-incubating-rc3
What is the new development version for "Apache Empire-db Parent"? (org.apache.empire-db:empire-db-parent) 2.0.6-incubating-SNAPSHOT: : 
[INFO] Transforming 'Apache Empire-db Parent'...
[INFO] Updating empire-db to 2.0.5-incubating

INFO: If during this prepare you get some subversion related errors, try to do an "svn update" and calling "mvn release:prepare" again. This will then continue the release preparation from where it stopped. You might have to do this multiple times!


Code Block
>svn checkout
>cd apache-empire-db-2.0.5-incubating-rc3/empire-db-dist/
>mvn5 clean install -Papache-release
All Done. Files available in ./target


Code Block
>rm public_html/empire-db/apache-empire-db*.pom*

Initiate a vote

As we are currently in the incubator we need two voting rounds. Fist we need a non-binding community vote on the dev@ list. After that we need a IPMC / Mentor vote on general@. It's also a good idea to point our mentors to that vote by ding a post on private@.


Wiki Markup
Subject: \[VOTE\] Release Apache Empire-db 2.0.5-incubating (rc3)


We have just prepared a 2.0.5 -incubating release and we are now looking for approval of the PMC to publish the release. Once the community approves the release we will have a second binding release round for IPMC members.


The Apache Empire-db community has approved the 2.0.5 -incubating release and we are now looking for approval of the IPMC to publish the release.

These are the major changes from our previous 2.0.4 -incubating release:

  • xxx
  • xxx

Changelog: Modified

Subversion tag: Modified

Maven staging repository:

Distribution files are located here

Rat report for the tag is available here:

Vote open for 72 hours.

[ ] +1
[ ] +0
[ ] -1


  • Drop the staging repository in nexus
  • Update the local code
  • Use the maven versions plugin to roll back the version update
    Code Block
    > mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.0.7-incubating-SNAPSHOT -Papache-release
  • Commit the project
  • Go to the create new RC step


Just use your prefered subversion tool to copy the rc tag to the final release tag
apache-empire-db-2.0.5-incubating-rc3 -> apache-empire-db-2.0.5-incubating

Promote the nexus staging files


Move the release files to the dist location

this part needs an update as we are out of the incubator/snvpubsub Added

  1. Log on to
  2. Go to /www/
  3. Create a subdirectory with the version number (i.e. 2.0.5)
  4. Copy all distribution files from your home directory to that directory (.zip, .tar.gz, .asc, .md5, .sha)
  5. Possibly change write permissions of that directory and all files to allow group members to add / modify files (although they should never ever change again)
  6. Wait (one day) before files become available on the mirrors

Update the Empire-db website

this part needs an update as we are out of the incubator/snvpubsub

  1. Check out the Empire-db website source files from Modified
  2. Edit Pages with html editor (I am using Microsoft Expression Web)
  3. Open page downloads/latest.htm and copy section with previous release files to downloads/previous.htm.
  4. In downloads/latest.htm replace all reference to old version number with new version number.
  5. Update news.html
  6. so a svn delete on javadocs/empire-db
  7. commit
  8. recreate the empire-db folder
  9. fetch the new javadoc jar from Modified
  10. extract into the javadocs/empire-db folder
  11. svn add the empire-db folder
  12. Commit all changes to svn repo.
    1. Log on to using ssh
  13. Goto /x1/www/
  14. Run "svn update" command.
  15. Don't forget to add write permissions of all changed files for group and all users (change from 0x644 to 0x664)-
  16. Wait some time for changes to become available on the mirrors.
  17. Remove all old releases from the /www/ folder, only one (latest) release per branch allowed.
