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Wiki Markup
h2. Camel MongoDB component


*Available as of Camel 2.10



According to Wikipedia: "NoSQL is a movement promoting a loosely defined class of non-relational data stores that break with a long history of relational databases and ACID guarantees." NoSQL solutions have grown in popularity in the last few years, and major extremely-used sites and services such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. are known to use them extensively to achieve scalability and agility.


Basically, NoSQL


 solutions differ from traditional RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems) in that they don't use SQL as their query language and generally don't offer ACID-like transactional behaviour nor relational data. Instead, they are designed around the concept of flexible data structures and schemas (meaning that the traditional concept of a database table with a fixed schema is dropped), extreme scalability on commodity hardware and blazing-fast processing.


MongoDB is a very popular NoSQL solution and the camel-mongodb component integrates Camel with MongoDB allowing you to interact with MongoDB collections both as a producer (performing operations on the collection) and as a consumer (consuming documents from a MongoDB collection).


MongoDB revolves around the concepts of documents (not as is office documents, but rather hierarchical data defined in JSON/BSON) and collections. This component page will assume you are familiar with them. Otherwise, visit [



h2. URI format


h2. Endpoint options

|| Name || Default Value || Description || Producer/consumer (\* see below) ||
| {{database}} | none | *Required.* The name of the database to which this endpoint will be bound. All operations will be executed against this database unless dynamicity is enabled and the {{CamelMongoDbDatabase}} header is set. | P+C |
| {{collection}} | none | *Required.* The name of the collection (within the specified database) to which this endpoint will be bound. All operations will be executed against this database unless dynamicity is enabled and the {{CamelMongoDbDatabase}} header is set. | P+C |
| {{operation}} | none | *Required for producers.* The id of the operation this endpoint will execute. Pick from the following:
* Query operations: {{findById}}, {{findOneByQuery}}, {{findAll}}, {{count}}
* Write operations: {{insert}}, {{save}}, {{update}}
* Delete operations: {{remove}}
* Other operations: {{getDbStats}}, {{getColStats}} | P |
| {{createCollection}} | true | | P |
| {{invokeGetLastError}} | false (behaviour may be inherited from connections WriteConcern) | | P |
| {{writeConcern}} | | | P |
| {{writeConcernRef}} | | | P |
| {{readPreference}} | | | P |
| {{dynamicity}} | false | | P |
| {{persistentIdTailTracking}} | false | | TC |
| {{cursorRegenerationDelay}} | 1000ms | | TC |
| {{persistentId}} | none - required if persistent tail tracking is enabled | | TC |
| {{tailTrackingIncreasingField}} | | | TC |
| {{tailTrackDb}} | | | TC |
| {{tailTrackCollection}} | | | TC |
| {{tailTrackField}} | | | TC |

(*y) Acronyms: P=Producer \| C=All consumers \| TC = Tailable cursor consumer