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Code Block
  create /brokers/state/[broker_id] path if it doesn’t already exist
  register the state change handler to listen on child change ZK notifications on /brokers/state/[broker_id]
  register session expiration listener
  drain the state change queue 
  get replica info from ZK and compute AR, a list of replicas assigned to this broker
  for each r in AR
      subscribe to leader changes for the r’s partition
  // broker startup procedure is complete. Register is broker id in ZK to announce the availability of this broker
  register its broker_id in /brokers/ids/[broker_id] in ZK

State change events

On every broker

Leader change

This leader change listener is registered on every broker hosting a partition p. Each time it is triggered, the following procedure is executed -

Code Block

   if(broker_id is registered under /brokers/topics/[topic]/[partition_id]/replicas)

On State change

Each broker has a ZK path that it listens to for state change requests from the leader

Code Block

stateChangeListener() {  
// listens to state change requests issued by the leader and acts on those

    drain the state change queue
    read next state change request
    Let r be the replica that the state change request is sent for.
    // this should not happen
    Throw an error if r is not hosted on this broker                
    Let requestEpoch be the epoch of the state change request
      // we don’t need to check epoch here to be able to handle delete topic/delete partition for dead brokers.
       Let latestPartitionEpoch be the latest epoch for this partition, got by reading /brokers/topics/[topic]/[partition]/leader=[broker_id],[epoch] 
       if(leader for r.partition doesn’t exist) {
	   // this can only happen for new topics or new partitions for existing topics
       }else if(requestEpoch == latestPartitionEpoch) {
         // this is to ensure that if a follower is slow, and reads a state change request queued up by a previous leader, it ignores the request

On the leader

On reassignment of partitions

Each time a partition reassigned event is triggered on the leader, it calls onPartitionReassigned()

Code Block

  if(this broker is the leader for [partition_id])
  	p.RAR = the new replicas from /brokers/partitions_reassigned/[topic]/[partition_id]
     AR = /brokers/topics/[topic]/[partition_id]/replicas
     newReplicas = p.RAR - AR
     for(newReplica <- newReplicas)
       sendStateChange(“start-replica”, newReplica.broker_id, epoch)