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Apache SIS(TM) is a spatial framework that enables better representation of representation of coordinates for searching, data clustering, archiving, or any other relevant other relevant spatial needs.  SIS is undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC.



& Building SIS

The latest released source code can be obtained by visiting the downloads page. You can download the ' Removed Removed


Building SIS

Download apache-sis-src.tar.gz ' archive and run the following command to unpack it to a local folder, for example as follows:

Code Block
tar xzvf apache-sis-src.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src/sis-site

You can also check out the source latest code from the Subversion repository as followsSIS Subversion repository. Below is an example command to get the latest code and copy it to folder /usr/local/src/sis-site:

Code Block
svn checkout /usr/local/src/sis-site

SIS is based on Java 5 and uses the Apache Maven 2 <> build system. To  (version 2) build system. Once you have obtained the source files, to build SIS, use run the following command in from within the top source directory (e.g. /usr/local/src/sis-site):

Code Block
    mvn clean install


The build consists of a number of components, including a web-based application
file (WAR) application ('.war') file that you can use to try out SIS features. You can run it on top of Apache Tomcat like this:


Jetty is now supported too ( as of 02/11/2012). Simply build the project at the root level

mvn clean install

Then browse 11th February 2012. After building SIS, navigate to the sis-webapp directory. To run the built-in Jetty server, type run the following command:

Code Block

mvn jetty:run


Visit http://localhost:8080/sis/demo.jsp and checkout the demo!
Try some queries:


Discussion about SIS takes place on the following mailing lists:

  • - about using SIS
  • - about developing SIS


  • - notifications on all code changes for SIS

The mailing lists are open to anyone and publicly archived.

You can subscribe to the mailing lists by sending a message to sisto: sis-<LIST> (for example To unsubscribe, send a message to sis<LIST> For more instructions, send a message to sis<LIST>


If you encounter errors in SIS or want to suggest an improvement or a new feature, please visit the SIS issue tracker at There you can also find the latest information on known issues and recent bug fixes and enhancements.