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Usage : wsdl2java -fe|-frontend <front-end-name> -db|-databinding <data-binding-name> 
-wv <wsdl-version> -p <[wsdl-namespace =]package-name>* -sn <service-name> 
-b <binding-file-name>* -reserveClass <class-name>* -catalog <catalog-file-name> 
-d <output-directory> -compile -classdir <compile-classes-directory> -impl -server
-client -all -autoNameResolution -allowElementReferences|-aer<=true> 
-defaultValues<=class-name-for-DefaultValueProvider> -ant 
-nexclude <schema-namespace [= java-package-name]>* -exsh <(true, false)> -noTypes
-dns <Default value is true> <(true, false> -dex <(true, false)> -validate -keep 
-wsdlLocation <wsdlLocation> -xjc<xjc-arguments>* -asyncMethods<[=method1,method2,...]>* 
-bareMethods<[=method1,method2,...]>* -mimeMethods<[=method1,method2,...]>* -noAddressBinding 
-faultSerialVersionUID <fault-serialVersionUID> -exceptionSuper <exceptionSuper> 
-mark-generated -h|-?|-help -version|-v -verbose|-V -quiet|-q|-Q -wsdlList <wsdlurl>





Displays the online help for this utility and exits.

-fe frontend-name

Specifies the frontend. Default is JAXWS. Currently supports only JAXWS frontend and a "jaxws21" frontend to generate JAX-WS 2.1 compliant code.

-db databinding-name

Specifies the databinding. Default is jaxb. Currently supports jaxb, xmlbeans, sdo (sdo-static and sdo-dynamic), and jibx.

-wv wsdl-version

Specifies the wsdl version .Default is WSDL1.1. Currently suppports only WSDL1.1 version.

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="fd9673a262c0971a-06a50790-422d4a99-b292bf9f-bb48192aac8aa752f164dc4e"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

-p [ wsdl-namespace= ] PackageName

Specifies zero, or more, package names to use for the generated code. Optionally specifies the WSDL namespace to package name mapping.


-sn service-name

The WSDL service name to use for the generated code.

-b binding-name

Specifies JAXWS or JAXB binding files or XMLBeans context files. Use multiple -b flags to specify multiple entries.

-catalog catalog-file-name

Specify catalog file to map the imported wsdl/schema

-d output-directory

Specifies the directory into which the generated code files are written.


Compiles generated Java files.

-classdir compile-class-dir

Specifies the directory into which the compiled class files are written.


Generates starting point code for a client mainline.


Generates starting point code for a server mainline.


Generates starting point code for an implementation object.


Generates all starting point code: types, service proxy, service interface, server mainline, client mainline, implementation object, and an Ant build.xml file.


Specify to generate an Ant build.xml script.


Automatically resolve naming conflicts without requiring the use of binding customizations.

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="61baa9c84b977ed6-e9efaaf9-4ebf4073-a815b0e1-222d5c5c91c730be8d00e5c2"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

-defaultValues=[DefaultValueProvider impl]

Specifies that default values are generated for the impl and client. You can also provide a custom default value provider. The default provider is RandomValueProvider


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="02e2d51a168b4079-5ee0a1f6-4a78452d-ad2e8a60-b952ace1dd02953a74b4273f"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

-nexclude schema-namespace [=java-packagename]

Ignore the specified WSDL schema namespace when generating code. This option may be specified multiple times. Also, optionally specifies the Java package name used by types described in the excluded namespace(s).


-exsh (true/false)

Enables or disables processing of implicit SOAP headers (i.e. SOAP headers defined in the wsdl:binding but not wsdl:portType section.) Processing the SOAP headers requires the SOAP binding jars available on the classpath which was not the default in CXF 2.4.x and older. You may need to add a dependency to cxf-rt-binding-soap for this flag to work. Default is false.

-dns (true/false)

Enables or disables the loading of the default namespace package name mapping. Default is true and namespace package mapping will be enabled.

-dex (true/false)

Enables or disables the loading of the default excludes namespace mapping. Default is true.


Enables validating the WSDL before generating the code.


Specifies that the code generator will not overwrite any preexisting files. You will be responsible for resolving any resulting compilation issues.

-wsdlLocation wsdlLocation

Specifies the value of the @WebServiceClient annotation's wsdlLocation property.

-xjc<xjc args>

Specifies a comma separated list of arguments that are passed directly to the XJC processor when using the JAXB databinding. A list of available XJC plugins can be obtained using -xjc-X.


For compatibility with CXF 2.0, this flag directs the code generator to generate the older CXF proprietary WS-Addressing types instead of the JAX-WS 2.1 compliant WS-Addressing types.


Displays the version number for the tool.


Displays comments during the code generation process.


Suppresses comments during the code generation process.


superclass for fault beans generated from wsdl:fault elements (defaults to java.lang.Exception)


Used with -autoNameResolution, defines a list of class names for wsdl-to-java not to use when generating classes.


(or -aer) If true, disregards the rule given in section of the JAX-WS 2.2 specification disallowing element references when using wrapper-style mapping.


List of subsequently generated Java class methods to allow for client-side asynchronous calls, equivalent to enableAsyncMapping in a JAX-WS binding file.


List of subsequently generated Java class methods to have wrapper style (see below), equivalent to enableWrapperStyle in JAX-WS binding file.


List of subsequently generated Java class methods to enable mime:content mapping, equivalent to enableMIMEContent in JAX-WS binding file.

-faultSerialVersionUID <fault-serialVersionUID>

How to generate suid of fault exceptions: NONE



####, default is NONE.


Adds the @Generated annotation to classes generated.


The path and name of the WSDL file to use in generating the code.
