Versions Compared


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  1. Need controller failover.


  1. Epoc path: stores the current epoc.
    Code Block
    /epoc --> {long} (generating a monotonically increasing number; used to identify leader generations) 
  2. Controller path: stores the current controller info.
    Code Block
    /controller --> {brokerid} (ephemeral; created by controller) 
  3. Broker path: stores the information of all live brokers.
    Code Block
    /brokers/ids/[broker_id] --> host:port (ephemeral; created by admin) 
  4. Topic path: stores the replication assignment for all partitions in a topic. For each replica, we store the id of the broker to which the replica is assigned. The first replica is the preferred replica. Note that for a given partition, there is at most 1 replica on a broker. Therefore, the broker id can be used as the replica id
    Code Block
    /brokers/topics/[topic] --> {part1: [broker1, broker2], part2: [broker2, broker3] ...}  (created by admin) 
  5. LeaderAndISR path: stores leader and ISR of a partition
    Code Block
     /brokers/topics/[topic]/[partition_id]/leaderAndISR --> {leader_epoc: epoc, leader: broker_id, ISR: {broker1, broker2}}
     This path is updated by the controller or the current leader. The current leader only updates the ISR part.
     Updating the path requires synchronization using conditional updates to Zookeeper. 
  6. PartitionReassignment path: This path is used when we want to reassign some partitions to a different set of brokers. For each partition to be reassigned, it stores a list of new replicas and their corresponding assigned brokers. This path is created by an administrative process and is automatically removed once the partition has been moved successfully
    Code Block
     /brokers/partitions_reassigned/[topic]/[partition_id] --> {broker_id …} (created by admin) 


Code Block
1. create /controller -> {this broker id)
2. if not successful, return
3. read the LeaderAndISR path from ZK for each partition
4. send a LeaderAndISR command (with a special flag INIT) for each partition to relevant brokers. Those commands can be sent in 1 RPC request.
5. call on_broker_change()
6. for the list of partitions without a leader, call init_leaders().

7. call on_partitions_reassigned()
E. Broker startup.

When a broker starts up, it calls on_broker_startup(). Basically, the broker needs to first read the current state of each partition from ZK.

Code Block
1. read the replica assignment of all topics from the TopicPath in ZK
2. read the leader and the ISR of each partition assigned to this broker from the LeaderAndISR path in ZK
3. for each replica assigned to this broker
3.1 start replica
3.2 if this broker is a leader of this partition, become leader. (shouldn't happen in general)
3.3 if this broker is a follower of this partition, become follower.
4. Delete local partitions no longer assigned to this broker (partitions deleted while the broker is down).
5. subscribes to changes in ZKQueue for this broker.
F. Replica reassignment:

Wiki MarkupController watches child changes in /brokers/partitions_reassigned/\[topic\]. When the watcher gets triggered, it calls Controller watches child changes in the PartitionReassignmentPath in ZK. The value of this path contains RAR, the set of brokers that a particular partition will be reassigned to. When the watcher gets triggered, it calls on_partitions_reassigned().

Code Block
1. get the read /brokers/partitions_reassigned/[topic]
2. issue StartReplica command to the right brokers.
3. periodically check ISR of affected partitions
3.1 if ISR == AR+RAR, update ISR, and send StartReplica (to inform the leader of the new ISR) and StopReplica command to the right brokers.
3.2 update /brokers/topics/[topic] to change AR to the new replica set
3.3 delete /brokers/partitions_reassigned/[topic]
(An alternative approach to 3 is to set watches on ISR and do the check only when ISR is changed.)
4. inform the current leader of the ISR change by write ISRState change in ZKQueue
1. End-to-end latency during a broker failure:
  1. broker shutdown (after closing socket server, need to close request handler, close log)
  2. broker watcher gets triggered in controller
  3. make leadership change and publish the new leader/ISR in ZK (1 ZK write per affected partition)
  4. inform the leadership change to each broker by write to ZKQueue (1 ZK write per broker)
  5. leader waits for followers in ISR to connect (Kafka PRC)
  6. follower truncates its log first (a potential I/O) and then starts fetching from leader

In the critical path, the most time consuming operation is step 3 where we need to write 1 ZK path per partition. Assuming that during a broker failover we need to change leader for 10K partitions and each ZK write takes 4ms, this could take 40 secs. One possibility is to use the multi() support in ZK 3.4 to batch those writes in 1 ZK operation.

2. ZKQueue:

Communicating between the controller and the brokers via ZK is not efficient. Each communication requires 2 ZK writes (each costs roughly 2 RPC), 1 watcher firing and 1 ZK read. These add up to roughly 6 RPCs per communication. An alternative is to implement an admin RPC in the broker for direct communication between the controller and the brokers. Then each communication costs only 1 RPC. The admin RPC could specify a timeout, during which it expects the admin command to be completed.

3. Dealing with multiple leaders in transition:
set of reassigned partitions (set_p) from the PartitionReassignment path in ZK
2. call add_reassigned_partitions(set_p) in Reassginment Agent

Reassignment Agent: wakes up if notified or a certain amount of time has passed (e.g., 30 secs); once it wakes up, it calls on_wakeup().

Code Block

Reassignment Agent maintains an in memory map reassigned_partition_map that tracks all partitions to be reassigned.

1. for each partition p in set_p
1.1  if (p not in reassigned_partition_map)
1.1.1  set p's state to INIT and add p to reassigned_partiton_map
1.1.2  wake up the reassignment agent

1. for each partition p in reassigned_partiton_map
2.   if partition p in INIT state
2.1    issue LeaderAndISR command to the brokers in RAR (to start bootstrapping new replicas)
2.2    mark partition p as in IN_PROGRESS state
3.   else if partition p in IN_PROGRESS state
3.1    read the ISR from the LeaderAndISR path in ZK
3.2    if ISR == AR+RAR // this means that all replicas have caught up and we want to switch the current ISR and AR to RAR
3.2.1    get a controller lock
3.2.2    conditionally update ISR in the LeaderAndISR path in ZK (if the version of the path has changed btw 3.1 and 3.2.2, go back to 3.1)
3.2.3    send a LeaderAndISR command to inform the leader of the new ISR
3.2.4    send a StopReplica command to the brokers in the current AR (but not in RAR).
3.2.5    update /brokers/topics/[topic] to change AR to RAR
3.2.6    delete /brokers/partitions_reassigned/[topic-part]
3.2.7    release controller lock
1. End-to-end latency during a broker failure:
  1. broker shutdown (after closing socket server, need to close request handler, close log)
  2. broker watcher gets triggered in controller
  3. make leadership change and publish the new leader/ISR in ZK (1 ZK write per affected partition)
  4. inform the leadership change to each broker by write to ZKQueue (1 ZK write per broker)
  5. leader waits for followers in ISR to connect (Kafka PRC)
  6. follower truncates its log first (a potential I/O) and then starts fetching from leader

In the critical path, the most time consuming operation is step 3 where we need to write 1 ZK path per partition. Assuming that during a broker failover we need to change leader for 10K partitions and each ZK write takes 4ms, this could take 40 secs. One possibility is to use the multi() support in ZK 3.4 to batch those writes in 1 ZK operation.

2. ZKQueue:

Communicating between the controller and the brokers via ZK is not efficient. Each communication requires 2 ZK writes (each costs roughly 2 RPC), 1 watcher firing and 1 ZK read. These add up to roughly 6 RPCs per communication. An alternative is to implement an admin RPC in the broker for direct communication between the controller and the brokers. Then each communication costs only 1 RPC. The admin RPC could specify a timeout, during which it expects the admin command to be completed.

3. Dealing with multiple leaders in transition:

Occasionally, it's possible for multiple brokers to simultaneous assume that they are the leader of a partition. For example, broker A is the initial leader of a partition and the ISR of that partition is {A,B,C}.. Then, broker A goes into GC and losses its ZK registration. The controller assumes that broker A is dead, assigns the leader of the partition to broker B and sets the new ISR in ZK to {B,C}. Broker B becomes the leader and at the same time, Broker A wakes up from GC but hasn't acted on the leadership change command sent by the controller. Now, both broker A and B think they are the leader. It would be bad if we allow both broker A and B to commit new messages since the data among replicas will be out of sync. Our current design actually will prevent this from happening in this situation. Here is why. The claim is that after broker B becomes the new leader, broker A can no longer commit new messages any more. For broker A to commit a message m, it needs every replica in ISR to receive m. At the moment, broker A still thinks the ISR is {A,B,C} (its local copy; although the ISR in ZK has changed). Broker B will never receive message m. This is because by becoming the new leader, it must have first stopped fetching data from the previous leader. Therefore broker A can't commit message m without shrinking the ISR first. In order to shrink ISR, broker A has to write the new ISR in ZK. However, it can't do that because it will realize that the LeaderAndISR path in ZK is not on a version that it assumes to be (since it has already been changed by the controller). At this moment, broker A will realize that it's no longer the leader any more.Question A.3, is broker down the only failure scenario that we worry about? Do we worry about leader failure at individual partition level?

4. Is broker down the only failure scenario that we worry about? Do we worry about leader failure at individual partition level?

It seems that common problems such as long GC, I/O on local storage will affect the whole broker.

5. How to deal with repeated topic deletion/creation?

A broker can be down for a long time during which a topic can be deleted and recreated. Do we need partition version id in order to clean up an outdated partition from local storage? The way our replica assignment works is that we only assign replicas to live brokers. This means that while a broker is down, no new replicas will be assigned to it. So, it seems that we won't get into the situation that when a failed broker comes back, a partition is still assigned to this broker and yet the partition stored locally is outdated. So, we don't really need partition version id to address this issue. On broker startup, the broker will read all local partition directories, delete each directory whose partition is no longer assigned to itself, and then load the last segment of each of the remaining directories.

6. What happens to client routing during a broker failover?In this proposal, the controller first publishes the new leader for affected partitions in the LeaderAndISR path in ZK, then sends the leadership change commands to the brokers. The brokers then act on those leadership change commands. Since we use the LeaderAndISR path to route the client request, there is a window (potentially small) that a client is routed to a broker that's the new leader, but the broker is not ready to be the new leader yet.

For reference, HBase only updates the metadata (for client routing) after the regionserver responds to close/open region commands. So, one would think that instead of the controller directly updating the LeaderAndISR path, we can let each broker update that path after it completes the execution of the command. There is actually a critical reason that the leaderAndISR path has to be updated by the controller. This is because we rely on the leaderAndISR path in ZK to synchronize between the controller and the leader of a partition. After the controller makes a leadership change decision, it doesn't want the ISR to be changed by the current leader any more. Otherwise, the newly elected leader could be taken out of ISR by the current leader before the new leader takes over the leadership. By publishing the new leader immediately in the leaderAndISR path, the controller prevents the current leader from updating the ISR any more.
One possibility is to use another ZK path ExternalView for client routing. The controller only updates ExternalView after the broker responds positively for the leadership change command. There is a tradeoff between using 1 ExternalView path for all partitions or 1 ExternalView path per partition. The former has less ZK overhead, but potentially forces unnecessary rebalancing on the consumers.Aonther way to think about this is that in the normal case, leadership change commands are executed very quickly. So we probably can just rely on client side retry logic to handle the transition period. In the uncommon case that somehow it takes too long for a broker to become a leader (likely due to a bug), the controller will get a timeout and can trigger an alert so that an admin can take a look at it. So, we probably can start without the ExternalView path and reconsider it if it's really needed.

Potential optimizations:
1. Communications between the controller and the broker.

To increase parallelism, on the controller, we can have a command queue and use a pool of threads to dequeue those commands and send them to brokers. On the broker side, we let each command be processed independently. The broker maintains in-memory a leadership change epoc for each replica and only follows a leadership change command if its epoc is larger than the current epoc in the replicaOccasionally, it's possible for multiple brokers to simultaneous assume that they are the leader of a partition. For example, broker A is the initial leader of a partition and the ISR of that partition is {A,B,C}.. Then, broker A goes into GC and losses its ZK registration. The controller assumes that broker A is dead, assigns the leader of the partition to broker B and sets the new ISR in ZK to {B,C}. Broker B becomes the leader and at the same time, Broker A wakes up from GC but hasn't acted on the leadership change command sent by the controller. Now, both broker A and B think they are the leader. It would be bad if we allow both broker A and B to commit new messages since the data among replicas will be out of sync. Our current design actually will prevent this from happening in this situation. Here is why. The claim is that after broker B becomes the new leader, broker A can no longer commit new messages any more. For broker A to commit a message m, it needs every replica in ISR to receive m. At the moment, broker A still thinks the ISR is {A,B,C} (its local copy; although the ISR in ZK has changed). Broker B will never receive message m. This is because by becoming the new leader, it must have first stopped fetching data from the previous leader. Therefore broker A can't commit message m without shrinking the ISR first. In order to shrink ISR, broker A has to write the new ISR in ZK. However, it can't do that because it will realize that the leaderAndISR node in ZK is not on a version that it assumes to be (since it has already been changed by the controller). At this moment, broker A will realize that it's no longer the leader any more.Question A.3, is broker down the only failure scenario that we worry about? Do we worry about leader failure at individual partition level?Question A.3, is broker down the only failure scenario that we worry about? Do we worry about leader failure at individual partition level?
How to deal with repeated topic deletion/creation? A broker can be down for a long time during which a topic can be deleted and recreated. When the broker comes up, the topic it has locally may not match the content of the newly created topic. There are a couple of ways of dealing with this.