Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



String(regex expression)



Valid Values / Examples

A string representing a JSON array, details below.
Example(actual string will be skipped):
"level": "high",
    "name": "Bytes*",
    "filters" = [{topics: ["avro-topic-car", "avro-topic-bus", "avro-topic-plane"]}]

The above config means the BytesInPerSec and BytesOutPerSec will be having partition-level metrics for the 3 topics of avro-topic-car, avro-topic-bus, and avro-topic-plane



Update Mode

Dynamic Read & Write.

NOTE: To prevent unexpected behavior, dynamic configuration will not persist and the permanent value will be used once the broker is restarted.

JSON Config Format

The JSON array mentioned above should have JSON objects configuring the corresponding metrics verbosity details at each level. Here are the valid keys in the JSON object, and their corresponding value details.

Key NameDefault ValueValid ValuesRestrictionsExample

low, (medium), high

NOTE: We don't have any medium-level metrics as of now. We leave this option open for future extension.

JSON entries are validated with no particular order, or they are order-irrelevant. The entries can be duplicated, but are required to have no conflict between each other.

If there's a conflict between values configured with different metrics level settings, the one that appears first in the sequence [high, medium, low] will take precedence. For example, a topic configured in both low and high will be treated with the configuration values in high.

NOTE: It's okay to have multiple entries of level: high, these entries may well apply to different metric names or dimension filters.

"level": "high"

Pattern corresponding to the names of the metric series in scope

"names": "Bytes*"
filters[] (empty JSON array, applies to nothing)

[{"topicPattern": "<topic pattern>"}]


[{"topics": [<a list of topics>](string array)}]

  • The filters in the array are of AND relationship. For example, if there are two filters A=Topic:a,b and B=Topic:a,c,d then the rule will be applied to a only.
  • topicPattern and topics should not be used at the same time
  • For now, we only allow the filter to take topics, but it can be easily extended.

[{"topicPattern": "avro-topics-*"}]


[{"topics": ["avro-topic-car", "avro-topic-bus", "avro-topic-plane"]}]
