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Code Block
Replica {                                // a replica of a partition
  broker_id               : int
  partition               : Partition
  log                     : Log          // local log associated with this replica
  hw                      : long         // offset of the last committed message
  leo                     : long         // log end offset
  isLeader                : Boolean      // is this replica leader

Partition {                              //a partition in a topic
  topic                   : string
  partition_id            : int
  leader                  : Replica      // the leader replica of this partition
  ISR                     : Set[Replica] // In-sync replica set, maintained at the leader
  AR                      : Set[Replica] // All replicas assigned for this partition
  LeaderAndISRVersionInZK : long         // version id of the LeaderAndISR path; used for conditionally update the LeaderAndISR path in ZK

LeaderAndISRCommandLeaderAndISRRequest {
  isInitrequest_type_id         : int16 // the request id
  version_id  :  byte         // whether: thisint16 is// the firstversion commandof issuedthis by a controller
  client_id   leaderAndISRMap         : Map[(topic: String, partitionId: int) => LeaderAndISR) int32 // athis mapcan of LeaderAndISR

LeaderAndISR {
  leader    be the broker id of the controller
  ack_timeout              : intint32 // the time in ms to wait for a response // brokerisInit id of the leader
  leaderGenId             : intbyte          // whether this leaderis generationthe id,first incrementedcommand onissued eachby leadershipa changecontroller
  ISRleaderAndISRMap         : Map[(topic: String, partitionId: int32) => LeaderAndISR) // a map of  : Set[int] LeaderAndISR

LeaderAndISR {
  leader    // a set             : int32          // broker id of the leader
  leaderGenId             : int32          // leader generation id, ofincremented on each brokerleadership change
 in ISR
      zkVersion               : longSet[int32]     // a set of the id of each broker in ISR
  zkVersion               : int64          // version of the LeaderAndISR path in ZK

LeaderAndISRResponse {
  version_id              : int16 // the version of this request  responseMap             : Map[(topic: String, partitionId: int32) => int16) // a map of error code

StopReplicaRequest {
  request_type_id         : int16 // the request id
  version_id              : int16 // the version of this request
  client_id               : int32 // this can be the broker id of the controller
  ack_timeout             : int32 // version of the LeaderAndISRtime pathin in ZK

LeaderAndISRResponse {
  responseMap   ms to wait for a response  stopReplicaSet          : MapSet[(topic: String, partitionId: int) => int) // a mapset of partitions errorto be codestopped

StopReplicaResponse {
  version_id stopReplicaSet          : Set[(topic: String, partitionId: int))int16 // athe setversion of partitions to be stopped

StopReplicaResponse {
  this request  responseMap             : Map[(topic: String, partitionId: intint32) => intint16) // a map of error code
