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Comment: Added do's and dont's from orange 11


Code Block
<!DOCTYPE html>

Do's and dont (thanks orange11-blog)

Do use models

Don't do this

Code Block
public IncomePanel(String id, Person person) {
  add(new Label("salary", person.getSalary()); // no model!

But this -

Code Block
public IncomePanel(String id, IModel<Person> personModel) {
  add(new Label("salary", new PropertyModel(personModel, "salary"));

Or even this:

Code Block
public IncomePanel(String id, IModel<Person> personModel) {
  super(id, new CompoundPropertyModel(personModel);
  add(new Label("salary");

Why - because A) we don't want to risk serialize an object, models are lightweight and ok. And we want to let the component take care of the detach when the request is done B) With an direct-entity we would set an nondynamic value. With a model, the label will update the value from the entity it's using.

Don't use an Ajax library without intimate knowledge of the library

May collide with wicket code, make sure your JS-library well

Do make sure you understand the repeaters for high performance sites

Wicket by default provides the following repeater: Loop, ListView, RepeatingView, RefreshingView, DataTable. This list is not even exhaustive; there are some more variations. Every repeater constructs a transient component for each iteration: the loop item. Every loop item has a Wicket model to look up the item's data.

Here are some points to consider to choose the most optimal repeater:

  • Moment of data retrieval. Is it during construction only, or for each render again?
  • During a re-render, is all data retrieved at once or one by one?
  • Moment the loop-item's model is created. First time only, or again for each render, or does it retain existing models and only add/remove models as the underlying data changes (ItemReusePolicy)?
  • Can you control the model creation?
  • Is pagination/sorting needed?

Don't overuse inheritance - use composition

Do keep markup in sync with the component code

Don't try to do authorization from a servlet filter

Do take your time to override key Wicket features

Wicket Filter Mapping

Wicket 1.4.x and upwards {}

On these versions, you should prefer to use WicketFilter instead of WicketServlet. If you want, it's possible to map /* instead of /app/*. But remember to configure the ignorePaths parameter to ignore static resources and leave them to be handled by the container.

Ignoring paths

If you want to leave static resources to be handled by the container, configure the ignorePaths init parameter as follows:
