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It will create the subdirectory build/dist packaging/target/apache-hive-<release_string>-bin/apache-hive-<release_string>-bin/ with the following contents :


(example: packaging/target/apache-hive-4.0.0-beta-2-SNAPSHOT-bin/apache-hive-4.0.0-beta-2-SNAPSHOT-bin):

  • bin/: directory containing all the shell scripts
  • lib/: directory containing all required jar files
  • conf/: directory with configuration files
  • examples/: directory with sample input and query files

Subdirectory build/dist That directory should contain all the files necessary to run Hive. You can run it from there or copy it to a different location, if you prefer.


You can begin using Hive as soon as it is installed, although you will probably want to configure it first.


Beeline CLI


Code Block
$ bin/hive

The Hive home directory is the one with the contents of build/dist for Hive 0.12 and earlier; for Hive 0.13 and later it is is packaging/target/apache-hive-<release_string>-bin/apache-hive-<release_string>-bin/.

HiveServer2 (introduced in Hive 0.11) has a new CLI called Beeline (see see Beeline – New Command Line Shell). To use Beeline, execute the following command in the Hive home directory:
