Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
InitProducerIdRequest => TransactionalId TransactionTimeoutMs ProducerId Epoch Enable2Pc KeepPreparedTxn
 TransactionalId => NULLABLE_STRING
 TransactionTimeoutMs => INT32
 ProducerId => INT64
 Epoch => INT16
 Enable2Pc => BOOL  // NEW
 KeepPreparedTxn => BOOL  // NEW

InitProducerIdResponse => Error ProducerId Epoch OngoingTxnProducerId OngoingTxnEpoch
 Error => INT16
 ProducerId => INT64
 Epoch => INT16
 OngoingTxnProducerId => INT64  // NEW
 OngoingTxnEpoch => INT16  // NEW 

We’ll also bump ListTransactionsRequest to support listing only transactions that are running longer than a certain amount of time:

Code Block
ListTransactionsRequest => StatesFilter ProducerIdFilter RunningLongerThanMs
 StatesFilter => []STRING
 ProducerIdFilter => []STRING
 RunningLongerThanMs => INT64 // NEW

Persisted Data Format Changes

Note that the OngoingTxnProducerId and OngoingTxnEpoch can be set to -1 if there is no ongoing transaction.  In this case calling .completeTransaction would be a no-op.

Note that KeepPreparedTxn could be set to true even if Enable2Pc is false.  

Persisted Data Format Changes

Note that this KIP is going to be implemented on KIP-890, so the TransactionalLogValue will already has the NextProducerId tagged field to store a additional producer id, we just need to add NextEpoch tagged field to store an additional epoch.  The data format is changed in a way that makes it We need to store an additional (producerId, epoch) pair in TransactionalLogValue record, so we add 2 new tagged fields without bumping the version, so that it is possible to downgrade to a version that supports KIP-915:

Code Block
  "type": "data",
  "name": "TransactionLogValue",
  "validVersions": "0-1",
  "flexibleVersions": "1+",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "TransactionProducerId", "type": "int64", "versions": "0+",  // Renamed
      "about": "Producer id of the current / last transaction"},// Version 1 is the first flexible version.
  // KIP-915: bumping the version will no longer make this record backward compatible.
  // We suggest to add/remove only tagged fields to maintain backward compatibility.
  "validVersions": "0-1",
  "flexibleVersions": "1+",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "TransactionProducerEpochProducerId", "type": "int16int64", "versions": "0+",  // Renamed
      "about": "EpochProducer associatedid within theuse producer idby of the current / last transactiontransactional id"},
    { "name": "TransactionTimeoutMsProducerEpoch", "type": "int32int16", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "Transaction timeout in millisecondsEpoch associated with the producer id"},
    { "name": "TransactionStatusPrevProducerId", "type": "int64", "int8default": -1, "versionstaggedVersions": "01+", "tag": 0,
      "about": "TransactionStateProducer id in use by client when committing the transaction is in"},
    { "name": "TransactionPartitionsNextProducerId", "type": "[]PartitionsSchemaint64", "versionsdefault": "0-1, "taggedVersions": "1+", "nullableVersionstag": "0+"1,
      "about": "Set of partitions involvedProducer id returned to the client in the transactionepoch overflow case"}, "fields": [
      { "name": "TopicNextProducerEpoch", "type": "string"int16", "default": -1, "versionstaggedVersions": "01+"},
, "tag": 2,  // New
   { "name": "PartitionIds", "typeabout": "[]int32", "versions": "0+"}]},
    Producer epoch associated with the producer id returned to the client in the epoch overflow case"},
    { "name": "TransactionLastUpdateTimestampMsTransactionTimeoutMs", "type": "int64int32", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "TimeTransaction thetimeout transaction was last updatedin milliseconds"},
    { "name": "TransactionStartTimestampMsTransactionStatus", "type": "int64int8", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "TimeTransactionState the transaction wasis startedin"},
    { "name": "ProducerIdTransactionPartitions", "type": "int64[]PartitionsSchema", "tagversions": "0+", "taggedVersionsnullableVersions": "10+",
  // New
       "about": "ProducerSet idof inpartitions useinvolved byin the transactional id." },transaction", "fields": [
      { "name": "ProducerEpochTopic", "type": "int16string", "tagversions": 1, "taggedVersions"0+"},
      { "name": "1+PartitionIds",  // New"type": "[]int32", "versions": "0+"}]},
    {  "aboutname": "Producer id in use by the transactional id." }


TransactionLastUpdateTimestampMs", "type": "int64", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "Time the transaction was last updated"},
    { "name": "TransactionStartTimestampMs", "type": "int64", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "Time the transaction was started"}

Let's consider some examples of the state transitions and how the various producer ids and epochs are used.

Vanilla KIP-890 transaction case with epoch overflow:

  1. InitProducerId(false); TC STATE: Empty, ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX-1, PrevProducerId=-1, NextProducerId=-1, NextProducerEpoch=-1; RESPONSE ProducerId=42, Epoch=MAX-1, OngoingTxnProducerId=-1, OngoingTxnEpoch=-1
  2. AddPartitionsToTxn; REQUEST: ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX-1; TC STATE: Ongoing, ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX-1, PrevProducerId=-1, NextProducerId=-1, NextProducerEpoch=-1
  3. Commit; REQUEST: ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX-1; TC STATE: PrepareCommit, ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX, PrevProducerId=-1, NextProducerId=85, NextProducerEpoch=0; RESPONSE ProducerId=85, Epoch=0
  4. (Transition in TC into CompleteCommit); TC STATE: CompleteCommit, ProducerId=85, ProducerEpoch=0, PrevProducerId=42, NextProducerId=-1, NextProducerEpoch=-1

The extra producer id info is there so that if the commit operation times out (and thus the client doesn't get the new ProducerId and ProducerEpoch) and the client retries with the previous ProducerId and ProducerEpoch we can detect the retry and return success.  This logic is not new in this KIP, it's part of KIP-890.  Note that with vanilla KIP-890 transactions there are no cases when both NextProducerId and PrevProducerId are set – there is at most one of the those extra fields in a given state.

2PC transaction case with two epoch overflows:

  1. InitProducerId(false); TC STATE: Empty, ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX-1, PrevProducerId=-1, NextProducerId=-1, NextProducerEpoch=-1; RESPONSE ProducerId=42, Epoch=MAX-1, OngoingTxnProducerId=-1, OngoingTxnEpoch=-1.
  2. AddPartitionsToTxn; REQUEST: ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX-1; TC STATE: Ongoing, ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX-1, PrevProducerId=-1, NextProducerId=-1, NextProducerEpoch=-1
  3. (Transaction is prepared on the client, then client crashed)
  4. InitProducerId(true); TC STATE: Ongoing, ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX-1, PrevProducerId=-1, NextProducerId=73, NextProducerEpoch=0; RESPONSE ProducerId=73, Epoch=0, OngoingTxnProducerId=42, OngoingTxnEpoch=MAX-1
  5. (crash the client)
  6. InitProducerId(true); TC STATE: Ongoing, ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX-1, PrevProducerId=-1, NextProducerId=73, NextProducerEpoch=1; RESPONSE ProducerId=73, Epoch=1, OngoingTxnProducerId=42, OngoingTxnEpoch=MAX-1
  7. (crash the client a few times to drive the NextProducerEpoch to MAX-1)
  8. InitProducerId(true); TC STATE: Ongoing, ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX-1, PrevProducerId=-1, NextProducerId=73, NextProducerEpoch=MAX; RESPONSE ProducerId=73, Epoch=MAX-1, OngoingTxnProducerId=42, OngoingTxnEpoch=MAX-1
  9. Commit; REQUEST: ProducerId=73, ProducerEpoch=MAX-1; TC STATE: PrepareCommit, ProducerId=42, ProducerEpoch=MAX, PrevProducerId=73, NextProducerId=85, NextProducerEpoch=0; RESPONSE ProducerId=85, Epoch=0
  10. (Transition in TC into CompleteCommit); TC STATE: CompleteCommit, ProducerId=85, ProducerEpoch=0, PrevProducerId=73, NextProducerId=-1, NextProducerEpoch=-1

This example highlights the following interesting details:

  • InitProducerId(true) may be issued multiple times (e.g. client gets into a crash loop).  The ProducerId and ProducerEpoch of the ongoing transaction always stay the same, but the NextProducerEpoch is always incremented.  Eventually, NextProducerEpoch may overflow, in which case we can allocate a new NextProducerId.
  • When a commit request is sent, it uses the latest ProducerId and ProducerEpoch.  We send out markers using the original ongoing transaction ProducerId and ProducerEpoch, but the next transaction will use the latest ProducerId and ProducerEpoch + 1 (this is what the response is going to contain).  It may happen (like in this example) that the latest ProducerEpoch is already at MAX, in which case we'd need to allocate a new ProducerId.  In order to support retries we store the previous ProducerId in the PrevProducerId.  Thus in such situation the PrepareCommit state can have three distinct producer ids:
    • ProducerId – this is used to send our commit markers
    • NextProducerId – this is the producer id to use for the next transaction
    • PrevProducerId – this is the producer id to avoid self-fencing on retries (i.e. if the commit request times out and the client retries with previous producer id, we can return success and new producer id)

Metric Changes

A new metric will be added

kafka.server:type=transaction-coordinator-metrics,name=active-transaction-totalopen-time-max The max time a currently-open transaction has been open


The method would compare the currently prepared transaction state and the state passed in the argument and either commit or abort the transaction.  If the producer is not in prepared state (i.e. either neither prepareTransaction was called or nor initTransaction(true) was called) we return an INVALID_TXN_STATE error.

AdminClient API Changes

Class ListTransactionsOptions will support 2 new methods:

public ListTransactionsOptions runningLongerThanMs(long runningLongerThanMs) // set 



AdminClient API Changes

The Admin  interface will support a new method:


Command Line Tool Changes

The --list command is going to support a new flag --runningLongerThanMs that would take the number of milliseconds.  If this flag is provided, only transactions that have been running longer than the specified number of milliseconds would be listed.The tool is going to support a new command --forceTerminateTransaction.  It has one required argument --transactionalId that would take the transactional id for the transaction to be terminated.


The broker can be downgraded to versions that support KIP-915We write the TransactionProducerId and TransactionProducerEpoch that correspond to The ProducerId and ProducerEpoch fields contain the ongoing transaction in place of the ProducerId and ProducerEpoch fields, information so an old broker would be able to properly commit or abort the transaction.
