Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
kafka-metadata-quorum --bootstrap-server <endpoints> remove --voter-id <voter-id> --voter-uuid <voter-uuid>

Reference Explanation

Common Scenarios

To better illustrate this feature this section describes two common scenarios that the Kafka administrator may perform.

Disk Failure Recovery

If one of the replicas encounter a disk failure the operator can replace this disk with a new disk and start the replica.

Let's assume that the cluster has the following voters The general goal of this KIP is to allow the user to dynamically change the set of voters (also known as controllers) for the KRaft cluster metadata partition . This is achieved by storing the set of voters and their known endpoints in the log instead of the controller.quorum.voters properties. Because the set of voters is stored in the log it allows the leader to replicate this information to all of the fetching replicas (voters and observers). Since old records can be deleted once a snapshot has been replicated, the KRaft snapshots will also contain the set of voters up to the included offset.

Following voters will discover the set of voters and their endpoints by fetching the latest log from the leader but how do new voters discovery the leader's endpoint? The leader will push this information to new voters (or voters that were offline for a long time) using the BeginQuorumEpoch request. The active leader sends BeginQuorumEpoch to all of the voters when it becomes leader for an epoch.

The leader doesn't send BeginQuorumEpoch to observers since this are dynamic and are not included in the KRaft partition log. Observer will instead discover the leader using the controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers. It is important that properties includes at least one of the available voters, else brokers (observers) will not be able to discover the leader of the KRaft cluster metadata partition.

The rest of these section and subsection goes into the detail changes required to implement this new functionality. 

Directory id or replica UUID

In addition to a replica ID each replica assigned to a KRaft topic partition will have a replica UUID. This UUID will be generated once and persisted in the file for the metadata.log.dir. Replica UUID and directory UUID was first introduced in KIP-858: Handle JBOD broker disk failure in KRaft.

There are two cases when a directory id will be generated and persisted:

  1. kafka-storage format command will generate a directory id for all of the log directories including the metadata log dir.
  2. exists but it doesn't include a property. This case will generate and persist a directory id to support upgrade from Kafka versions that don't support this feature to versions that support this feature.

Supported features

TODO: Talk about ApiVersions and UpdateFeatures RPCs.

Voter Changes

Adding Voters

Voters are added to the cluster metadata partition by sending an AddVoter RPC to the leader. For safety Kafka will only allow one voter change operation at a time. If there are any pending voter change operations the leader will wait for them to finish.

If there are no pending voter change operations the leader send an ApiVersions request to the new voter's endpoint to discover it's KRaftVersion support features. If the new leader supports the current KRaftVersion, it will write a AddVoterRecord to the log and immediately update its in-memory quorum state to include this voter as part of the quorum. Any replica that replicates and reads this AddVoterRecord will update their in-memory voter set to include this new voter. Voters will not wait for these records to get committed before updating their voter set.

Once the AddVoterRecord operation has been committed by the majority of the new voter set, the leader can respond to the AddVoter RPC and process new voter change operations.

Removing Voters

Voter are removed from the cluster metadata partition by sending a RemoveVoter RPC to the leader. This works similar to adding a voter. If there are no pending voter change operations the leader will append the RemoveVoterRecord to the log and immediately update its voter set to the new configuration.

Once the RemoveVoterRecord operation has been committed by the majority of the new voter set, the leader can respond to the RPC. If the removed voters is the leader, the leader will resign from the quorum when the RemoveVoterRecord has been committed. To allow this operation to be committed and for the leader to resign the followers will continue to fetch from the leader even if the leader is not part of the new voter set. In KRaft, leader election is triggered when the voter hasn't received a successful response in the fetch timeout.


The section describe how the quorum will get bootstrap to support this KIP. There are two configurations that Kafka will support and each will be explain separately. The Kafka cluster can be configured to use the existing controller.quorum.voters and the new property called controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers.


This is a static quorum configuration where all of the voters' ID, host and port are specified. An example value for this configuration is 1@localhost:9092,2@localhost:9093,3@localhost:9094 .

If the KRaftVersion is 0, this properties will be used to configure the set of voters for the KRaft cluster metadata partition.

When the KRaftVersion is upgraded to a version greater 0 and the version is supported by the voters, the leader will write a control record batch that will include the KRaftVersion record and all of the AddVoter records for all of the voters. This will allow KRaft to ignore the controller.quorum.voters properties and instead rely solely on the log state when it is upgraded to KRaftVersion 1.


This configuration describe the set of hosts and ports that can be queried to discover the cluster metadata partition leader. Observers and to-be-added voters will send Fetch requests to this list of servers until the leader is discovered.

When using this configuration for a new cluster, the quorum should be started with only one voter. This voter is bootstrapped by running the kafka-storage tool format command. This tool will create the cluster metadata partition and append one AddVoterRecord to it. Additional voters can get added by using the AddVoter RPC as described in this KIP.

Leader Election

It is possible for the leader to write an AddVoterRecord to the log and replica it to some of the voters in the new configuration. If the leader fails before this record has been replicated to the new voter it is possible that a new leader cannot be elected. This is because voters reject vote request from replicas that are not in the voter set. This check will be removed and replicas will reply to votes request when the candidate is not in the voter set or the voting replica is not in the voter set. The candidate must still have a longer log offset and epoch before the voter will grant a vote to it.

Automatic endpoint and directory id discovery

TODO: Talk about when voters will send AddVoter request to the active leader.

High Watermark

As describe in KIP-595, the high-watermark will be calculated using the fetch offset of the majority of the voters. When a replica is removed or added it is possible for the high-watermark to decrease. The leader will not allow the high-watermark to decrease and will guarantee that is is monotonically increasing for both the state machines and the remote replicas.

With this KIP, it is possible for the leader to not be part of the voter set when the replica removed is the leader. In this case the leader will continue to handle Fetch and FetchSnapshot request as normal but it will not count itself when computing the high watermark.


The snapshot generation code needs to be extended to include these new KRaft specific control records for AddVoter and RemoveVoter. Before this KIP the snapshot didn't include any KRaft generated control records.

Internal Listener

The KRaft implementation and protocol describe in KIP-595 and KIP-630 never read from the log or snapshot. This KIP requires the KRaft implementation now read uncommitted data from log and snapshot to discover the voter set. This also means that the KRaft implementation needs to handle this uncommitted state getting truncated and reverted.

Common Scenarios

TODO: Think about moving this to the User explanation section.

To better illustrate this feature this section describes two common scenarios that the Kafka administrator may perform.

Disk Failure Recovery

If one of the replicas encounter a disk failure the operation can replace this disk with a new disk and start the replica.

Let's assume that the cluster is configured to use  controller.quorum.voters and the value is 1@host1:9092,2@host2:9092,3@host3:9094.  The voter set is defined by the tuples (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2) and (3, UUID3). The first element of the tuples is the replica id. The second element of the tuples is the replica uuid. The replica uuid is automatically generated once by the replica when persisting the quorum state for the first time.

At this point the disk for replica 3 is replaced. This means that when replica 3 starts it will generate a new replica uuid (UUID3') and quorum state. Replica 3 will discover the partition leader using controller.quorum.voters and send UUID3' in the Fetch and FetchSnapshot request. The leader state for voters will be (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2) and (3, UUID3) and for observers will be (3, UUID3').

This state can be discovered by a client by using the DescribeQuorum RPC, the Admin client or the kafka-metadata-quorum CLI. The client can now decide to add replica (3, UUID3') to the set of voters using the AddVoter RPC, the Admin client or the kafka-metadata-quorum CLI.

When the AddVoter RPC succeeds the voters will be (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2), (3, UUID3) and (3, UUID3'). The client can remove the failed disk from the voter set by using the RemoveVoter RPC, the Admin client or the kafka-metadata-quorum CLI.

When the RemoveVoter RPC succeeds the voters will be (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2), and (3, UUID3'). At this point the Kafka cluster has successfully recover from a disk failure in a controller node.

Node Failure Recovery

To support this scenario the Kafka cluster must be configured to use controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers. Let's assume that the voter set is (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2) and (3, UUID3).

At this replica 3 has failed and the Kafka operation would like to replica it. The operator would start a new controller with replica id 4. This replica will generate a UUID4 and persisted to the quorum state. Replica 4 will discover the leader by sending Fetch and FetchSnapshot request to the servers enumerated in controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers. Until it discovers the leader is able to fetch from the leader. The leader state for voters will be (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2), (3, UUID3) and for observers will be (4, UUID4).

The client can now decide to add replica (4, UUID4) to the set of voters. When this operation succeeds the set of voters will be  (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2), (3, UUID3) and (4, UUID4).

(1, UUID1), (2, UUID2) and (3, UUID3). The first element of the tuples is the replica id. The second element of the tuples is the replica uuid. The replica uuid, or directory id, is generated using the storage tool when the node is formatted.

At this point the disk for replica 3 is replaced and formatted. This means that when replica 3 starts it will have new replica uuid (UUID3') and an empty set of voters. Replica 3 will discover the partition leader either using controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers or by the leader sending a BeginQuorumEpoch request to replica 3. Once the new replica, (3, UUID3'), discovers the leader it send the Fetch and FetchSnapshot requests to the leader. At this point the leader's set of voters will be (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2) and (3, UUID3) and the set of observers will include (3, UUID3').

This state can be discovered by the operator by using the DescribeQuorum RPC, the Admin client or the kafka-metadata-quorum CLI. The operator can now decide to add replica (3, UUID3') to the set of voters using the AddVoter RPC, the Admin client or the kafka-metadata-quorum CLI.

When the AddVoter RPC succeeds the voters will be (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2), (3, UUID3) and (3, UUID3'). The operator can remove the failed disk from the voter set by using the RemoveVoter RPC, the Admin client or the kafka-metadata-quorum CLI.

When the RemoveVoter RPC succeeds the voters will be (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2), and (3, UUID3'). At this point the Kafka cluster has successfully recover from a disk failure in a controller node in a consistent way.

Node Failure Recovery

To support this scenario the Kafka cluster must be configured to use controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers. Let's assume that the voter set is (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2) and (3, UUID3).

At this replica 3 has failed and the Kafka operator would like to replace it. The operator would start a new controller with replica id 4. The node 4's metadata log dir would get formatted, generate and persist the directory id UUID4. Replica 4 will discover the leader by sending Fetch and FetchSnapshot request to the servers enumerated in controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers. After a successful Fetch RPC, the leader's set of voters will be (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2), (3, UUID3) and set of observers will include (4, UUID4).

The operator can now decide to add replica (4, UUID4) to the set of voters using the AddVoter RPC. When this operation succeeds the set of voters will be  (1, UUID1), (2, UUID2), (3, UUID3) and (4, UUID4).

The operator can now decided to remove replica (3, UUID3) from the set of voters using the RemoveVoter RPC.

Reference Explanation

The general goal of this KIP is to allow the user to dynamically change the set of voters (also known as controllers) for the KRaft cluster metadata partition. This is achieved by storing the set of voters and their known endpoints in the log instead of the controller.quorum.voters properties. Because the set of voters is stored in the log it allows the leader to replicate this information to all of the fetching replicas (voters and observers). Since old records can be deleted once a snapshot has been replicated, the KRaft snapshots will also contain the set of voters up to the included offset.

Following voters will discover the set of voters and their endpoints by fetching the latest log from the leader but how do new voters discovery the leader's endpoint? The leader will push this information to new voters (or voters that were offline for a long time) using the BeginQuorumEpoch request. The active leader sends BeginQuorumEpoch to all of the voters when it becomes leader for an epoch.

The leader doesn't send BeginQuorumEpoch to observers since this are dynamic and are not included in the KRaft partition log. Observer will instead discover the leader using the controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers. It is important that properties includes at least one of the available voters, else brokers (observers) will not be able to discover the leader of the KRaft cluster metadata partition.

The rest of these section and subsection goes into the detail changes required to implement this new functionality. 

Directory id or replica UUID

In addition to a replica ID each replica assigned to a KRaft topic partition will have a replica UUID. This UUID will be generated once and persisted in the file for the metadata.log.dir. Replica UUID and directory UUID was first introduced in KIP-858: Handle JBOD broker disk failure in KRaft.

There are two cases when a directory id will be generated and persisted:

  1. kafka-storage format command will generate a directory id for all of the log directories including the metadata log dir.
  2. exists but it doesn't include a property. This case will generate and persist a directory id to support upgrade from Kafka versions that don't support this feature to versions that support this feature.

Supported features

TODO: Talk about ApiVersions and UpdateFeatures RPCs.

Voter Changes

Adding Voters

Voters are added to the cluster metadata partition by sending an AddVoter RPC to the leader. For safety Kafka will only allow one voter change operation at a time. If there are any pending voter change operations the leader will wait for them to finish.

If there are no pending voter change operations the leader send an ApiVersions request to the new voter's endpoint to discover it's KRaftVersion support features. If the new leader supports the current KRaftVersion, it will write a AddVoterRecord to the log and immediately update its in-memory quorum state to include this voter as part of the quorum. Any replica that replicates and reads this AddVoterRecord will update their in-memory voter set to include this new voter. Voters will not wait for these records to get committed before updating their voter set.

Once the AddVoterRecord operation has been committed by the majority of the new voter set, the leader can respond to the AddVoter RPC and process new voter change operations.

Removing Voters

Voter are removed from the cluster metadata partition by sending a RemoveVoter RPC to the leader. This works similar to adding a voter. If there are no pending voter change operations the leader will append the RemoveVoterRecord to the log and immediately update its voter set to the new configuration.

Once the RemoveVoterRecord operation has been committed by the majority of the new voter set, the leader can respond to the RPC. If the removed voters is the leader, the leader will resign from the quorum when the RemoveVoterRecord has been committed. To allow this operation to be committed and for the leader to resign the followers will continue to fetch from the leader even if the leader is not part of the new voter set. In KRaft, leader election is triggered when the voter hasn't received a successful response in the fetch timeout.


The section describe how the quorum will get bootstrap to support this KIP. There are two configurations that Kafka will support and each will be explain separately. The Kafka cluster can be configured to use the existing controller.quorum.voters and the new property called controller.quorum.bootstrap.servers.


This is a static quorum configuration where all of the voters' ID, host and port are specified. An example value for this configuration is 1@localhost:9092,2@localhost:9093,3@localhost:9094 .

If the KRaftVersion is 0, this properties will be used to configure the set of voters for the KRaft cluster metadata partition.

When the KRaftVersion is upgraded to a version greater 0 and the version is supported by the voters, the leader will write a control record batch that will include the KRaftVersion record and all of the AddVoter records for all of the voters. This will allow KRaft to ignore the controller.quorum.voters properties and instead rely solely on the log state when it is upgraded to KRaftVersion 1.


This configuration describe the set of hosts and ports that can be queried to discover the cluster metadata partition leader. Observers and to-be-added voters will send Fetch requests to this list of servers until the leader is discovered.

When using this configuration for a new cluster, the quorum should be started with only one voter. This voter is bootstrapped by running the kafka-storage tool format command. This tool will create the cluster metadata partition and append one AddVoterRecord to it. Additional voters can get added by using the AddVoter RPC as described in this KIP.

Leader Election

It is possible for the leader to write an AddVoterRecord to the log and replica it to some of the voters in the new configuration. If the leader fails before this record has been replicated to the new voter it is possible that a new leader cannot be elected. This is because voters reject vote request from replicas that are not in the voter set. This check will be removed and replicas will reply to votes request when the candidate is not in the voter set or the voting replica is not in the voter set. The candidate must still have a longer log offset and epoch before the voter will grant a vote to it.

Automatic endpoint and directory id discovery

TODO: Talk about when voters will send AddVoter request to the active leader.

High Watermark

As describe in KIP-595, the high-watermark will be calculated using the fetch offset of the majority of the voters. When a replica is removed or added it is possible for the high-watermark to decrease. The leader will not allow the high-watermark to decrease and will guarantee that is is monotonically increasing for both the state machines and the remote replicas.

With this KIP, it is possible for the leader to not be part of the voter set when the replica removed is the leader. In this case the leader will continue to handle Fetch and FetchSnapshot request as normal but it will not count itself when computing the high watermark.


The snapshot generation code needs to be extended to include these new KRaft specific control records for AddVoter and RemoveVoter. Before this KIP the snapshot didn't include any KRaft generated control records.

Internal Listener

The KRaft implementation and protocol describe in KIP-595 and KIP-630 never read from the log or snapshot. This KIP requires the KRaft implementation now read uncommitted data from log and snapshot to discover the voter set. This also means that the KRaft implementation needs to handle this uncommitted state getting truncated and revertedThe client can now decided to remove replica (3, UUID3) from the set of voters.

Public Interfaces



There are a few changes to the leader request handling described in KIP-595. The leaders will track the fetch offset for the replica tuple (ID, UUID). This means that replica are unique identified by their ID and UUID. So their state will be tracking using the ID and UUID.


The version of the response is increase and the fields remain unchanged.

TODO: Talk about the leader sending this request as part of quorum check. This is needed because the voter could come back with a new replica uuid. In that case voter can only discover the leader using Fetch unless the leader sends the begin quorum epoch request.


  1. LeaderId was moved out of the topic partition maps
  2. VoterId was added to the top level
  3. VoterUuId was added to PartitionData
  4. Allow tagged fields for version greater than or equal to 1.


number-of-voterstype=raft-metricsgaugenumber of voters for the cluster metadata topic partition.
number-of-possible-votersobserverstype=raft-metricsguagenumber of observer that could be promoted to voters.

1 if there is a pending add voter operation, 0 otherwise.

pending-remove-votertype=raft-metricsguage1 if there is a pending remove voter operation, 0 otherwise.

1 if a controller node is not a voter for the KRaft cluster metadata partition, 0 otherwise.


Counts the number of duplicate replica id in the set of voters.


Number of voters with a last Fetch timestamp greater than the Fetch timeout.

Command Line Interface
