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h1. Distributed OSGi Reference Guide


Table of Contents

Configuration Properties

These properties are set on the Service Registration in the OSGi Service Registry.

Service Provider properties For Configuring SOAP-based services and consumers

Note: for backwards compatibility old values marked below are still supported.


Property Name


Data Type










h2. Configuration Properties

These properties are set on the Service Registration in the OSGi Service Registry.

h3. Service Provider properties For Configuring SOAP-based services and consumers

*Note:* for backwards compatibility old values marked below are still supported. 

|| Property Name || Data Type || Example || Description ||
| service.exported.interfaces
 (previously:_osgi.remote.interfaces_) | String | {{org.example.BarService,org.example.FooService


Denotes the interfaces to be exposed remotely. This is a comma-separated list of fully qualified Java interfaces that should be made available remotely. A special value of * can be provided meaning that all of the interfaces passed to the BundleContext.registerService() call are suitable for remoting.

}} {{*}}| Denotes the interfaces to be exposed remotely. This is a comma-separated list of fully qualified Java interfaces that should be made available remotely. A special value of {{*}} can be provided meaning that _all_ of the interfaces passed to the {{BundleContext.registerService()}} call are suitable for remoting. |
| service.exported.configs (previously:_osgi.remote.configuration.type_)



 | String | {{


}} | Specifies the mechanism for configuring the service exposure. Possible values:


* {{}} (previously: {{pojo}}) the OSGi Service is exposed as a Web Service.


* {{wsdl}} configuration driven from WSDL |

h4. {{}} configuration type


When the {{}} (or {{osgi.remote.configuration.type=pojo}}) property is specified, the following properties may also be specified.


|| Property Name


 || Data Type





 || Example || Description ||





 | String | {{






 | The address at which the service with be made available remotely. If this property is not specified, this defaults to {{













When this property is specified, the OSGi HTTP Service is used to expose the service, rather than a dedicated Jetty HTTP Server. This property doesn't allow the specification of a port number, as this is provided by the HTTP Service. The Distributed OSGi distributions come with Pax-Web, for which configuration information can be found here:

 | String | {{/auction}} | When this property is specified, the OSGi HTTP Service is used to expose the service, rather than a dedicated Jetty HTTP Server. This property doesn't allow the specification of a port number, as this is provided by the HTTP Service. The Distributed OSGi distributions come with Pax-Web, for which configuration information can be found here:


, however other OSGi HTTP Service implementations are potentially configured differently.



h3. Service Provider properties For Configuring RESTful JAXRS-based endpoints and



h4. {{}} configuration type


When the {{}} property is specified, the following properties may also be specified.


|| Property Name


 || Data Type





 || Example || Description ||



 | String | {{






 | The address at which the service with be made available remotely. If this property is not specified, this defaults to {{












 | String | {{/auction}} | When this property is specified, the OSGi HTTP Service which is used to expose the service, rather than a dedicated Jetty HTTP Server. By default, absolute address may look like 'http://localhost:8080/auction'






true} or {false


Can be used to identify a global JAXRS provider as CXF-compatible

 | Boolean | {true or false} | Can be used to identify a global JAXRS provider as CXF-compatible |




true} or {false


 | Boolean | {true or false} | Can be used to require global providers to set an '' property with a value 'true'.






true} or {false


Can be used to disable queries for global providers, defaults to 'true'.

Registering custom JAXRS providers

Custom JAXRS providers including CXF-specific providers can be registered like regular OSGI services, for example :

Code Block
 | Boolean | {true or false} | Can be used to disable queries for global providers, defaults to 'true'. |

h4. Registering custom JAXRS providers 

Custom JAXRS providers including CXF-specific providers can be registered like regular OSGI services, for example :

Object provider = new CustomMessageBodyReaderWriter();
  new String[]{"", ""}, provider);

Note that when registering a global provider, one may set an '' on a given service description thus requiring providers to confirm that they will reliably work with CXF JAX-RS by setting a '' true property during the registration - this may be needed when multiple JAX-RS implementations are available and some custom providers depending on JAXRS implementation specific code.


Alternatively, one can register per-service specific providers during the application service registration :


CustomMessageBodyReaderWriter provider1 = new CustomMessageBodyReaderWriter();
CustomMessageBodyReaderWriter provider2 = new CustomMessageBodyReaderWriter();

Dictionary properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("", provider);

Dictionary properties2 = new Hashtable();
properties.put("", provider2);

  new String[]{"org.books.BookService"}, new BookServiceImpl(), properties);
  new String[]{"org.books.BookService"}, new AdvancedBookServiceImpl(), properties2);

Service Consumer properties

On client side proxies, typically the same properties are set as on set service provider side for both SOAP and RESTful clients. There are some additional properties too. Since the client-side proxy is registered by the DOSGi implementation, all these properties are read-only.


Property Name


Data Type












This property is always set on a service proxy, indicating that the real service is remote.


h3. Service Consumer properties

On client side proxies, typically the same properties are set as on set service provider side for both SOAP and RESTful clients. There are some additional properties too. Since the client-side proxy is registered by the DOSGi implementation, all these properties are read-only.

|| Property Name || Data Type || Example || Description ||
| service.imported | boolean | {{true}} | This property is always set on a service proxy, indicating that the real service is remote. |
| org.apache.cxf.remote.dsw.client






This property is set to the bundle name of the CXF-DOSGi implementation and can be used to find client side proxies created by the CXF DOSGi implementation.

The Intent Map


 | String | | This property is set to the bundle name of the CXF-DOSGi implementation and can be used to find client side proxies created by the CXF DOSGi implementation. |

h2. The Intent Map

h2. {{remote-services.xml}} files


The CXF DOSGi implementation provides a DSW (Distribution Software) implementation of Distributed OSGi. It is compatible with any Distributed OSGi Discovery implementation in order to discover remote services dynamically.



However, using a Discovery system is optional, it is also possible to statically configure remote services into the system. This is done by registering one or more bundles containing {{remote-services.xml}} files. By default the system looks for any files with the {{.xml}} extension in the {{OSGI-INF/remote-service}} directory of the bundle.


Here's an example:


<service-descriptions xmlns="">
    <provide interface="org.apache.cxf.dosgi.samples.greeter.GreeterService" />
    <property name="osgi.remote.interfaces">*</property>
    <property name="osgi.remote.configuration.type">pojo</property>
    <property name="osgi.remote.configuration.pojo.address">http://localhost:9090/greeter</property>

  <!-- further service-description tags are allowed here -->

Alternative locations



*Alternative locations*

By default all {{*.xml}} files in the OSGI-INF/remote-service location are considered, this location can be changed by setting the {{Remote-Service}} header in the bundle manifest, e.g.


Remote-Service: META-INF/osgi

Contributing Distribution properties to Existing Services (without changing them)


h2. Contributing Distribution properties to Existing Services (without changing them)
CXF/DOSGi allows you to add the distribution properties to existing OSGi services. You can do this by installing a bundle that contains an XML file with the extra properties in the {{OSGI-INF/remote-service}} directory:


A sample {{OSGI-INF/remote-service/sd.xml}} file looks like this:


<service-decorations xmlns="">
   <match interface="org.apache.F(.*)">
     <match-property name="test.prop" value="xyz"/>
     <add-property name="service.exported.interfaces" value="*"/>
A service decorations file can have any number of {{service-decoration}} tags, each tag describing a *match* rule for services that are to be decorated.


The match rules are defined as follows:


* {{match interface="org.apache.Foo"}} matches any service that is registered under the _org.apache.Foo_ class or interface. The {{interface}} attribute takes regular expressions, so specifying {{org.apache(.)*}} will match any service registered with an interface in a subpackage of _org.apache_.


* The optional {{match-property}} tags allows you to declare extra conditions to be applied to services of which the interface matches. In the above example the rule will only match services that have the {{test.prop}} property set to the value {{xyz}}. Other services don't match. Any number of {{match-property}} tags can be specified.


* The {{add-property}} specifies the extra property to be added to the remote service. The above example adds {{service.exported.interfaces="*"}} which will cause any matching service to be exposed remotely. The {{add-property}} has an optional {{type}} attribute which defaults to {{java.lang.String}}. You can specify other Java basic types such as {{java.lang.Long}} if needed. You can have any number of {{add-property}} tags.


Note the bundle with the extra metadata will need to be started before the bundle with the service that is to be remoted is started (need to fix this).