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In the above previous GET resource method example, the response body is returned as a String. If a more complex response is required (i.e. requiredfor example, additional HTTP response headers , or a different status code, etc.), a should be used as the Java method's return type. By building a Response object, additional information can be returned to the client.

Code Block
public class WelcomeMessage {
    private String welcomeMessage = "Hello world!";

    public Response returnWelcomeMessage() {
        String responseEntity = welcomeMessage;
        return Response.status(299).entity(responseEntity).header("CustomHeader", "CustomValue").build();

While the above The previous example uses 299 as the status code, standard HTTP status codes should be used in order to help clients understand responses. Also, while Strings have been used When using Strings as the response entity, different Java types may be used for complex responses. See


Refer to the Request/Response entities page for more details on how request/response entities are handled.


Using Common HTTP Methods (@GET, @POST, @PUT, @DELETE)

There are well-defined HTTP methods that can be issued. The 4 The four most common HTTP methods are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

As shown in the previous example above, a an HTTP GET response to "/welcome" would invoke invokes the Java method returnWelcomeMessage() Java method. To In order  to add a Java method that would be invoked when a HTTP PUT request is made to "/welcome", add the following code should be added:

Code Block
public class WelcomeMessage {
    private String welcomeMessage = "Hello world!";

    public String returnWelcomeMessage() {
        return welcomeMessage;

    public String updateWelcomeMessage(String aNewMessage) {
        welcomeMessage = aNewMessage;

Notice that the updateWelcomeMessage has an unannotated parameter which represents an incoming request's body. See


Refer to the Request/Response entities page for more details on how request/response entities are handled.


Subresource Methods (@Path and @GET, @POST, @PUT, @DELETE on a Java method)

Sometimes it is easier having a root resource resolve a generic URL path and to have @Path annotated methods further resolve the request. For instance, suppose that a HTTP GET to "/administrator" returned generic information about an administrator. However, sometimes it is better to return smaller bits or more detailed information about the resource using a slightly different URL identifier. Suppose that a HTTP GET to "/administrator/name" should return the name. Instead of creating many root resource classes for each URL, you can have the root resource initially resolve the beginning of the URL request and then further resolve the request against subresource methods.
