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Google App Engine

Apache Wink can be run using Google App Engine.
The core functionality is fully compatible.
However, due to some of the App Engine limitations, some of the additional functionality may not work correctly.

Known Limitations

  • JAXB - Google App Engine doesn't support JAXB. Therefore, the built-in JAXB, Atom and JSON providers won't work.


Google uses java.util.logging, also referred to as JDK 1.4 logging. Apache Wink uses slf4j. In order to enable Wink's logging, replace slf4j-simple-<version>.jar with slf4j-jdk14-<version>.jar.



When running with Spring, make sure that you have jcl-over-slf4j-<version>.jar in the classpath. This jar is needed, since Spring uses commons-logging.

Other Issues

This section contains some "Other Issues" you may experience trying to run your code in the Google App Engine. It is worth reading, since it may save your time trying to figure out why the application behaves differently in comparison to a regular servlet container.

Context Path

Usually the uri in a servlet container looks like this:


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