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The default Interceptor stack is designed to serve the needs of most applications. Most applications will not need to add Interceptors or change the Interceptor stack.

Many Actions share common concerns. Some Actions need input validated. Other Actions may need a file upload to be pre-processed. Another Action might need protection from a double submit. Many Actions need drop-down lists and other controls pre-populated before the page displays.


Code Block
    "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"

<!-- // START SNIPPET: struts-default -->
    <package name="struts-default">
            <result-type name="chain" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.ActionChainResult"/>
            <result-type name="dispatcher" class="org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ServletDispatcherResult"
            <result-type name="freemarker" class="org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerResult"/>
            <result-type name="httpheader" class="org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.HttpHeaderResult"/>
            <result-type name="jasper" class="org.apache.struts2.views.jasperreports.JasperReportsResult"/>
            <result-type name="redirect" class="org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ServletRedirectResult"/>
            <result-type name="redirect-action"
            <result-type name="stream" class="org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.StreamResult"/>
            <result-type name="velocity" class="org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.VelocityResult"/>
            <result-type name="xslt" class="org.apache.struts2.views.xslt.XSLTResult"/>

            <interceptor name="alias" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.AliasInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="autowiring"
            <interceptor name="chain" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.ChainingInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="component" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.component.ComponentInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="conversionError"
            <interceptor name="external-ref" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.ExternalReferencesInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="execAndWait" class="corg.apache.struts2.interceptor.ExecuteAndWaitInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="exception" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.ExceptionMappingInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="fileUpload" class="com.opensymphony.webwork.interceptor.FileUploadInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="i18n" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.I18nInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="logger" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="model-driven" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.ModelDrivenInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="params" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.ParametersInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="prepare" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.PrepareInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="static-params" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.StaticParametersInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="servlet-config" class="org.apache.struts.action2.interceptor.ServletConfigInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="sessionAutowiring"
            <interceptor name="timer" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.TimerInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="token" class="com.opensymphony.webwork.interceptor.TokenInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="token-session"
            <interceptor name="validation" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.validator.ValidationInterceptor"/>
            <interceptor name="workflow" class="com.opensymphony.xwork.interceptor.DefaultWorkflowInterceptor"/>

            <!-- Basic stack -->
            <interceptor-stack name="basicStack">
                <interceptor-ref name="exception"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="servlet-config"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="prepare"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="static-params"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="params"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="conversionError"/>

            <!-- Sample validation and workflow stack -->
            <interceptor-stack name="validationWorkflowStack">
                <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="validation"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="workflow"/>

            <!-- Sample file upload stack -->
            <interceptor-stack name="fileUploadStack">
                <interceptor-ref name="fileUpload"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>

            <!-- Sample model-driven stack  -->
            <interceptor-stack name="modelDrivenStack">
                <interceptor-ref name="model-driven"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>

            <!-- Sample action chaining stack -->
            <interceptor-stack name="chainStack">
                <interceptor-ref name="chain"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>

            <!-- Sample i18n stack -->
            <interceptor-stack name="chainStack">
                <interceptor-ref name="i18n"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>

            <!-- Sample execute and wait stack.
                 Note: execAndWait should always be the *last* interceptor. -->
            <interceptor-stack name="executeAndWaitStack">
                <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="execAndWait"/>

            <!-- A complete stack with all the common interceptors in place.
                 Generally, this stack should be the one you use, though it
                 may process additional stuff you don't need, which could
                 lead to some performance problems. Also, the ordering can be
                 switched around (ex: if you wish to have your components
                 before prepare() is called, you'd need to move the component
                 interceptor up -->
            <interceptor-stack name="defaultStack">
                <interceptor-ref name="exception"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="alias"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="prepare"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="servlet-config"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="i18n"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="chain"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="model-driven"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="fileUpload"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="static-params"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="params"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="conversionError"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="validation"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="workflow"/>

            <!-- The completeStack is here for backwards compatibility for
                 applications that still refer to the defaultStack by the
                 old name -->
            <interceptor-stack name="completeStack">
                <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>

        <default-interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
<!-- // END SNIPPET: struts-default -->

By including, Since the struts-default.xml is included in an the application's struts.xml, we make all configuration by default, all of the predefined interceptors and stacks are available "out of the box".

Framework Interceptors

Interceptor classes are also defined using a key-value pair specified in the Struts configuration file. The names specified below come specified in struts-default.xml. If you extend the struts-default package, then you can use the names below. Otherwise, they must be defined in your package with a name-class pair specified in the <interceptors> tag.




Alias Interceptor


Converts similar parameters that may be named differently between requests.

Chaining Interceptor


Makes the previous Action's properties available to the current Action. Commonly used together with <result type="chain"> (in the previous Action).

Checkbox Interceptor


Adds automatic checkbox handling code that detect an unchecked checkbox and add it as a parameter with a default (usually 'false') value. Uses a specially named hidden field to detect unsubmitted checkboxes. The default unchecked value is overridable for non-boolean value'd checkboxes. Minor source formatting and cleaned out an empty directory.

Conversion Error Interceptor


Adds conversion errors from the ActionContext to the Action's field errors

Create Session Interceptor


Create an HttpSession automatically, useful with certain Interceptora that require a HttpSession to work properly (like the TokenInterceptor)

Execute and Wait Interceptor


Executes the Action in the background and then sends the user off to an intermediate waiting page.

Exception Interceptor


Maps exceptions to a result.

File Upload Interceptor


An Interceptor that adds easy access to file upload support.

I18n Interceptor


Remembers the locale selected for a user's session.

Logger Interceptor


Outputs the name of the Action.

Message Store Interceptor


Store and retrieve action messages / errors / field errors for action that implements ValidationAware interface into session.

Model Driven Interceptor


If the Action implements ModelDriven, pushes the getModel Result onto the Value Stack.

Scoped Model Driven Interceptor


If the Action implements ScopedModelDriven, the interceptor retrieves and stores the model from a scope and sets it on the action calling setModel.

Parameters Interceptor


Sets the request parameters onto the Action.

Prepare Interceptor


If the Action implements Preparable, calls its prepare method.

Scope Interceptor


Simple mechanism for storing Action state in the session or application scope.

Servlet Config Interceptor


Provide access to Maps representing HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse.

Static Parameters Interceptor


Sets the struts.xml defined parameters onto the action. These are the <param> tags that are direct children of the <action> tag.

Roles Interceptor


Action will only be executed if the user has the correct JAAS role.

Timer Interceptor


Outputs how long the Action takes to execute (including nested Interceptors and View)

Token Interceptor


Checks for valid token presence in Action, prevents duplicate form submission.

Token Session Interceptor


Same as Token Interceptor, but stores the submitted data in session when handed an invalid token

Validation Interceptor


Performs validation using the validators defined in action-validation.xml

Workflow Interceptor


Calls the validate method in your Action class. If Action errors are created then it returns the INPUT view.

Parameter Filter Interceptor


Removes parameters from the list of those available to Actions
