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Wiki Markup
{span:style=font-size:2em;font-weight:bold} JAX-RS: CORS {span}


h1. Introduction

CXF 2.5.1 introduces the [initial support|] for the [Cross-Origin Resource Sharing|] specification that "defines a mechanism to enable client-side cross-origin requests".

This [ page|] provides a very good explanation of CORS.

Please see the [package.html|] for a good introduction to CORS and the way it is supported in CXF JAX-RS.

Note that the [CORS filter|] uses the JAX-RS selection algorithm to ensure that the JAX-RS resource method capable of handling the  request does exist.

h1. Maven dependencies


h1. Examples

Here is the test code showing how [CrossOriginResourceSharing|] annotations can be applied at the resource and individual method levels:

        allowOrigins = {
        allowCredentials = true, 
        maxAge = 1, 
        allowHeaders = {
           "X-custom-1", "X-custom-2"
        exposeHeaders = {
           "X-custom-3", "X-custom-4"
public class AnnotatedCorsServer {
    private HttpHeaders headers;

    public String simpleGet(@PathParam("echo") String echo) {
        return echo;
    public Response postSomething() {
        return Response.ok().build();

    public Response deleteSomething() {
        return Response.ok().build();

    // This method will do a preflight check itself, see a localPreflight property
       localPreflight = true
    public Response deleteOptions() {
        String origin = headers.getRequestHeader("Origin").get(0);
        if ("".equals(origin)) {
            return Response.ok()
                           .header(CorsHeaderConstants.HEADER_AC_ALLOW_METHODS, "DELETE PUT")
                           .header(CorsHeaderConstants.HEADER_AC_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS, "false")
                           .header(CorsHeaderConstants.HEADER_AC_ALLOW_ORIGIN, "")
        } else {
            return Response.ok().build();

         allowOrigins = { "" }, 
         allowCredentials = true, 
         exposeHeaders = { "X-custom-3", "X-custom-4" }
    public String annotatedGet(@PathParam("echo") String echo) {
        return echo;

     * A method annotated to test preflight.
     * @param input
     * @return
    public String annotatedPut(String input) {
        return input;


The server configuration fragment:


        <bean id="cors-filter" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.cors.CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter"/>

	<jaxrs:server id="service" address="/rest">
			<ref bean="cors-server" />
			<ref bean="cors-filter" />

        <bean id="cors-server" scope="prototype" 
	      class="org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.cors.AnnotatedCorsServer" /> 

