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The EIP icons library is available as a Visio stencil file adapted to render the icons with the Camel color : sand. Download it here for your presentation, functional and technical analysis documents. The original EIP stencil is also available in OpenOffice 3.x Draw (thanks to Marco Garbelini) , Microsoft Visio, or Omnigraffle.


Messaging Systems

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Message Channel

How does one application communicate with another using messaging?

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How can two applications connected by a message channel exchange a piece of information?

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Pipes and Filters

How can we perform complex processing on a message while maintaining independence and flexibility?

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Message Router

How can you decouple individual processing steps so that messages can be passed to different filters depending on a set of conditions?

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Message Translator

How can systems using different data formats communicate with each other using messaging?

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Message Endpoint

How does an application connect to a messaging channel to send and receive messages?

Messaging Channels

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Point to Point Channel

How can the caller be sure that exactly one receiver will receive the document or perform the call?

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Publish Subscribe Channel

How can the sender broadcast an event to all interested receivers?

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Dead Letter Channel

What will the messaging system do with a message it cannot deliver?

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Guaranteed Delivery

How can the sender make sure that a message will be delivered, even if the messaging system fails?

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Message Bus

What is an architecture that enables separate applications to work together, but in a de-coupled fashion such that applications can be easily added or removed without affecting the others?

Message Construction

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Event Message

How can messaging be used to transmit events from one application to another?

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Request Reply

When an application sends a message, how can it get a response from the receiver?

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Correlation Identifier

How does a requestor that has received a reply know which request this is the reply for?

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Return Address

How does a replier know where to send the reply?

Message Routing

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Content Based Router

How do we handle a situation where the implementation of a single logical function (e.g., inventory check) is spread across multiple physical systems?

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Message Filter

How can a component avoid receiving uninteresting messages?

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Dynamic Router

How can you avoid the dependency of the router on all possible destinations while maintaining its efficiency?

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Recipient List

How do we route a message to a list of (static or dynamically) specified recipients?

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How can we process a message if it contains multiple elements, each of which may have to be processed in a different way?

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How do we combine the results of individual, but related messages so that they can be processed as a whole?

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How can we get a stream of related but out-of-sequence messages back into the correct order?

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Composed Message Processor

How can you maintain the overall message flow when processing a message consisting of multiple elements, each of which may require different processing?


How do you maintain the overall message flow when a message needs to be sent to multiple recipients, each of which may send a reply?

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Routing Slip

How do we route a message consecutively through a series of processing steps when the sequence of steps is not known at design-time and may vary for each message?


How can I throttle messages to ensure that a specific endpoint does not get overloaded, or we don't exceed an agreed SLA with some external service?


How can I sample one message out of many in a given period to avoid downstream route does not get overloaded?


How can I delay the sending of a message?

Load Balancer

How can I balance load across a number of endpoints?


How can I route a message to a number of endpoints at the same time?


How can I repeat processing a message in a loop?

Message Transformation

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Content Enricher

How do we communicate with another system if the message originator does not have all the required data items available?

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Content Filter

How do you simplify dealing with a large message, when you are interested only in a few data items?

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Claim Check

How can we reduce the data volume of message sent across the system without sacrificing information content?

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How do you process messages that are semantically equivalent, but arrive in a different format?


How can I sort the body of a message?


How can I validate a message?

Messaging Endpoints

Messaging Mapper

How do you move data between domain objects and the messaging infrastructure while keeping the two independent of each other?

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Event Driven Consumer

How can an application automatically consume messages as they become available?

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Polling Consumer

How can an application consume a message when the application is ready?

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Competing Consumers

How can a messaging client process multiple messages concurrently?

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Message Dispatcher

How can multiple consumers on a single channel coordinate their message processing?

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Selective Consumer

How can a message consumer select which messages it wishes to receive?

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Durable Subscriber

How can a subscriber avoid missing messages while it's not listening for them?

Idempotent Consumer

How can a message receiver deal with duplicate messages?

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Transactional Client

How can a client control its transactions with the messaging system?

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Messaging Gateway

How do you encapsulate access to the messaging system from the rest of the application?

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Service Activator

How can an application design a service to be invoked both via various messaging technologies and via non-messaging techniques?

System Management

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How can you route a message through intermediate steps to perform validation, testing or debugging functions?

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Wire Tap

How do you inspect messages that travel on a point-to-point channel?


How can I log processing a message?
