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The CallbackHandler implementation class used to obtain passwords.


The SAML CallbackHandler implementation class used to construct SAML Assertions.

The Crypto property configuration to use for signature, if "ws-security.signature.crypto" is not set instead.

The Crypto property configuration to use for encryption, if "ws-security.encryption.crypto" is not set instead.


A Crypto object to be used for signature. If this is not defined then "" is used instead.


A Crypto object to be used for encryption. If this is not defined then "" is used instead.

Boolean WS-Security configuration tags, e.g. the value should be "true" or "false".


Whether to validate the password of a received UsernameToken or not. The default is true.


Whether to enable Certificate Revocation List (CRL) checking or not when verifying trust in a certificate. The default value is "false".


Whether to always encrypt UsernameTokens whenever possible. The default is true.

Whether to ensure compliance with the Basic Security Profile (BSP) 1.1 or not. The default value is "true".


Whether to self-sign a SAML Assertion or not. If this is set to true, then an enveloped signature will be generated when the SAML Assertion is constructed. The default is false.


Whether to cache UsernameToken nonces. See here for more information.


Whether to cache Timestamp Created Strings. See here for more information.

Non-boolean WS-Security Configuration parameters


The time in seconds after Creation that an incoming Timestamp is valid for. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).


The time in seconds in the future within which the Created time of an incoming Timestamp is valid. The default value is "60". See here for more information.


The attribute URI of the SAML AttributeStatement where the role information is stored. The default is "".


A reference to the KerberosClient class used to obtain a service ticket.


The SpnegoClientAction implementation to use for SPNEGO. This allows the user to plug in a different implementation to obtain a service ticket.


The JAAS Context name to use for Kerberos. This is currently only supported for SPNEGO.


The Kerberos Service Provider Name (spn) to use. This is currently only supported for SPNEGO.


This holds a reference to a ReplayCache instance used to cache UsernameToken nonces. The default instance that is used is the EHCacheReplayCache.


This holds a reference to a ReplayCache instance used to cache Timestamp Created Strings. The default instance that is used is the EHCacheReplayCache.


Set this property to point to a configuration file for the underlying caching implementation. The default configuration file that is used is cxf-ehcache.xml in the cxf-rt-ws-security module.



The TokenStore instance to use to cache security tokens. By default this uses the EHCacheTokenStore if EhCache is available. Otherwise it uses the MemoryTokenStore.


This configuration tag is a A comma separated String of regular expressions which will be applied to the subject DN of the certificate used for signature validation, after trust verification of the certificate chain associated with the certificate. These constraints are not used when the certificate is contained in the keystore (direct trust).


This configuration tag specifies the time in seconds in the future within which the Created time of an incoming Timestamp is valid. WSS4J rejects by default any timestamp which is "Created" in the future, and so there could potentially be
problems in a scenario where a client's clock is slightly askew. The default value for this parameter is "0", meaning that no future-created Timestamps are allowed.

Note: for Symmetric bindings that specify a protection token, the ws-security-encryption properties are used.
