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h1. Checking out AMBARI-666


The following uses Ambari git for the development process. Please keep in mind git is read only and patches will have to be uploaded and committed via svn.


git clone git://


git checkout -b AMBARI-666 origin/AMBARI-666


h1. Building Ambari


After checking out Ambari, you can build ambari with the steps below:


$ mvn clean


Setting up Eclipse with Ambari

$ mvn clean eclipse:eclipse

After doing the above you should be able to import the project via eclipse's import project. You should be able to see the following projects on eclipse:



Note: The above is for just building the jars. See below for starting/deploying the server and the agent.

h1. Building Artifacts and Running the Server/Agent
NOTE: Though the documentation below mentions agent its not there yet and is coming up.

To build tarball artifacts run:

$mvn clean package assembly:assembly

This will build the server/agent tarballs.

h3. For running the server:

$ cp  ambari-server/target/ambari-server-*-dist.tar.gz ${INSTALL_DIR} /* where install dir is some directory where you want to run the server */


$ tar -zxvf ambari-server-*-dist.tar.gz

$ cd ambari-server-*

$ java -cp lib/*: org.apache.ambari.server.controller.AmbariServer

The server will come up and run as a foreground process. Scripting will come as we move along to run the server with proper confs/envs. 

To check if the server is  up and healthy, you can go to:


The status will show as running.

or you can do: curl localhost:4080/api/check

h3. Running the agent - Coming up next.

h1. Setting up Eclipse with Ambari

$ mvn clean eclipse:eclipse

After doing the above you should be able to import the project via eclipse's import project. You should be able to see the following projects on eclipse:

> ambari-server
> ambari-agent