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titlemaven-waf branch

This article depends on the maven-waf branch

Maven uses the notion of a build life-cycle to which plugins can attach. Plugins are similar to Ant tasks. When a Maven build is invoked, we specify a point in the life-cycle up to which the build should proceed. The compile phase comes before test, and test comes before package, and package comes before install. Once we have Maven setup, we can invoke the Struts build, and specify which phase the build should use.


Code Block
$ mvn [-D nonoss]

Building RPM packages

Use waf to build packages for linux systems that use rpms, like RedHat, CentOS and fedora.

titleprerelease flag

This flag is required as this makes the RPM use the SNAPSHOT versions.

Code Block

$ waf --package-version=4.0.0 --prerelease=rc1 --build-number=1 rpm


Starting the debug server from maven
