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$ sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg

Copy To setup the agent tarball created earlier using mvn clean package commandambari agent:

$ cp ambari-agent/target/ambari-agent-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT/dist/ambari-agent-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT.linux-x86_64.tar AGENT_INSTALL_DIR

AGENT_INSTALL_DIR is the directory where you want to run the agent.

Untar the tarball:


$ tar -zxvf ambari-agent-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT.linux-x86_64.tar

The tarball currently untars as usr/bin and usr/lib

To setup the ambari agent:

$ mkdir -p /var/ambari /var/run/ambari /var/log/ambari

mkdir -p /var/ambari /var/run/ambari /var/log/ambari

  1. The following dev process is easier than using and is a quicker turnaround. As soon as we have a good deployment story (rpm) we will add those in.

$ cd ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent

  1. Note that ambari agent requires facter to get the node information. Download facter tarball from Added and uninstall in a directory.

Edit facter_home in to the directory where facter is installed. The agent executes the script facter_home/bin/facter to get all the node information and also uses df to get the mount point information.$ export PYTHONPATH=$AGENT_INSTALL_DIR/usr/lib/python2.6:$PYTHONPATH

To run the agent:

$ cd bin/; python2.6

The Server currently doesnt implement the apis needed for the agent, so the agent will just try connecting to the server and do nothing. Take a look at
