Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1.  Deploydb:
    - fix root/cloud permission issue
    - create cloud user is it does not exist
    - remove developer/pom.xml to a profile in root pom.xml
    - create schema/tables for cloud_usage and cloudbridge databases
    - see if we can use Removed etc. for database upgrading/migration during development (suggested by John Burwell <>)
  2. Compile:
    - fix tomcat webapp compilation issue
    - fix compilation of some projects still under WIP
  3. Unittests:
    - fix unittests so they are more useful during compilation
  4. Deploy and Debug:
    - configure tomcat plugin to do tomcat:deploy and tomcat:run, debug
  5. Artifacts
    - Client-ui.war (done, requires testing)
    - awsapi.war (done, requires testing)
    - usage.jar (wip)
    - systemvm.iso (done, requires testing)
    - (not started yet)
  6. External Packaging:
    - deb packaging
    - rpm packaging
  7. Site/doc generation with maven


Code Block
Right click on my computer and click on Properties
Click on Advanced system settings
Click on Environment Variables
Click on New... under System variables
Add M2_HOME to Variable name and /usr/local/maven to Variable value
Find Path and click Edit...
Add ;%M2_HOME%/bin at the end
Click OK, OK, and close to get out of all the dialogues
Locate a copy of genosimage.exe.  It comes with cygwin and can be copied from %CYGWIN_HOME%\bin
copy %CYGWIN_HOME%\bin\genosimage.exe %SOURCE_HOME%\mkisofs

XML indentation

   Two spaces for XML files, which can be enforced  by editors.

   In Eclipse,

Code Block
Window -> Preferences -> XML -> Editor -> select "Indent using spaces", also set "Indentation size 2 spaces"

   In VIM:

Code Block
# sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils
# .vimrc
au FileType xml setlocal equalprg=xmllint\ --format\ --recover\ -\ 2>/dev/null

Understanding POMs

POMs are the maven project configuration files. Here you can configure everything from mailinglists that belong to the project, compilation of the various pieces of the project all the way to the final deployment of release binaries.
