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Apache CloudStack Wiki:


Info on developing and contributing to Apache CloudStack

This is the home of the Apache Cloudstack (incubating) space. Feel free to edit this page.

TODO: Fix link urls/migrated from

Table of Contents


CloudStack community managers: David Nalley (ke4qqq), Mark Hinkle (mrhinkle)

  • #cloudstack - Channel for general discussion about cloudstack
  • #cloudstack-dev - Channel for committers, developers and contributors. More involved discussion.
  • #cloudstack-meeting - Weekly meeting channel. IRC meeting times and minutes announced on the mailing lists

Clients: Freenode Webchat, screen+irssi, XChat, Adium

Weekly development meetings happen in #cloudstack-meeting, logs and minutes are available here

Mailing Lists

To subscribe, send an empty email to the list with '-subscribe' before


Note: These forums will slowly be deprecated. Please bring all discussion to the cloudstack-users/cloudstack-dev mailng lists


Getting Started

Apache Cloud Stack Run Book

Apache CloudStack Docs

101 - Basics

Cloud Computing Glossary


CloudStack YouTube Channel

Citrix TV Cloudstack Videos

Vimeo Xen Channel

Videos by Community Manager


Apache CloudStack 4.0 Release

Apache CloudStack Future Release


Apache CloudStack Wiki (old)

Community Development

CloudStack Roadmap

Documentation Team - doc plans, how to file a doc bug, how to contribute to docs

Coding Conventions

Git: Working with CloudStack code

Git Good Practices for commiters and contributors

Git Workflow

Patch submission: Review Board (if your review gets shipped, remember to close the review)

The link below gives a good overview of git jargon and its usage.

Distributed Development suggestion:

CloudStack's Future Architecture

CloudStack Maintainers Guide

Design Documentation

Design Document Template

Design Documents


Setting up CloudStack Development Environment

Building with Maven

DevCloud: Standalone development environment

CloudStack Packages and Dependencies

Debug Mode Management Server

Setup CloudStack development environment in 8 steps


Get dependencies: Java, Maven 3.0+, Ant, Tomcat (use 6.0.33, problems with latest version), MySQL, gcc, python, git

Grab the source code:

Code Block

$ git clone
$ git pull -v # Have your master updated

To build CloudStack, checkout: Building with Maven

Code Block

$ mvn -P deps
$ ant clean-all build-all
$ ant deploy-server
$ ant deploydb
$ ant debug

To access your CloudStack Management Server, open in your browser: (localhost or IP/domain-name of your management server)


Marvin - Python CloudStack API testclient

How to write JUnit tests?

ASF CS 4.0 Release - Test Plan for 4.0 release


SSVM troubleshooting / template download issues.


Supported Hypervisors

Xen (various versions)




Oracle VM (OVM)

If you see something wrong, edit it. If you have new information, please add it. Or to put it another way: edit boldly. It's a wiki - any changes can be reverted if necessary.

Mailing Lists

We do most of our discussion and work on the Apache CloudStack mailing lists. Specifically, developer discussions happen on the cloudstack-dev mailing list. If you're looking for user support, the cloudstack-users list is the best place to go. (You may be tempted to send mails to both lists looking for help. Avoid that temptation. It's much better etiquette to direct emails to one list only, and to use the appropriate lists.)

Please note that all of the lists are high-volume.

  • To join the cloudstack-dev mailing list send an email to The archives can be found on
  • To join the cloudstack-users mailing list send an email to The archives can be found on
  • To join the cloudstack-commits mailing list send an email to The archives can be found on


We maintain several community IRC channels for real-time discussion and support, but please note that if it didn't happen on the mailing list, it didn't happen. Decisions are made on the mailing list (cloudstack-dev). But if you're looking for real-time answers to development or user questions, IRC is a great way to find help. All channels are on Freenode.

  • #cloudstack: This channel is for general cloudstack discussion and support.
  • #cloudstack-dev: This channel is for developer discussions and support. This channel also receives notices of commits, build failures, etc.
  • #cloudstack-meeting: Meetings are held here.
