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We have seen an increasing interest to get Flume natively running on




 {reg-tm}Windows{reg-tm} Operating Systems. Various IIS driven companies has developed some .NET stuff to send logs from a IIS to Flume agents, running on the box as the IIS runs, as example. 

h1. Prerequisites

*Build system*
maven 3x, git, jdk1.6.x, WinRAR (or similar program)


*Apache Flume agent node


jdk1.6.x, WinRAR (or similar program), Ultraedit+\+ or similar texteditor


h1. Prepare the Windows Build Box


# Download and install JDK 1.6x


# Set the environment variables


## => Start - type "*env*" into the search box, select "*Edit system environment variables*", click Environment Variables, Select "*New*" from the "*Systems variables*" box, type "{{JAVA_HOME}}" into "*Variable name*" and the path to your JDK installation into "*Variable value*" (Example: {{C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_33}})


# Download and install maven 3


# Set the environment variables


## => from the field "*System variables*" select *New*, Variable name "{{M2_HOME}}", value Path to your maven installation (Example: {{D:\Maven\apache-maven-3.0.4}})


## => from the field "*User variables for (your username)*" select *New*, Variable name "{{M2}}", value "{{%M2_HOME%\bin}}"


## => from the field "*User variables for (your username)*" select *New*, Variable name "{{MAVEN_OPTS}}", value "{{\-XX:MaxPermSize=1024M}}"


# Close the CMD if you have running one


# Download and install msysgit or use a similar program to checkout a git repo


# Change into the previously outchecked directory


# Build with "{{mvn clean}}" and "{{mvn package \-DskipTests


Start a flume agent



h1. Start a flume agent

# Edit the file too, simple change the logger facility from






# Start Flume:


{{flume-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT>"c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_33\bin\java.exe" \-Xmx20m \-Dlog4j.configuration=}}{{[file:///%CD%\conf\]}} {{\-cp "lib*" org.apache.flume.node.Application \-f conf\test1.conf \-n syslog-agent




{{Path to java.exe + Java related options + log4j config in Windows Uri style + Flume libs + application +


Available sinks

This section will be extend from time to time. These sinks where reported in from users as working:



h1. Available sinks
This section will be extend from time to time. These sinks where reported in from users as working:
# Syslog TCP
# Syslog UDP
# Exec
# Avro
## When a cygwin installed HDFS node is available on the same host as the agent runs