Versions Compared


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Why Testing of a Release Artifact Matters

For an apache project, a VOTE on a release candidate is a very important process.  By voting (particularly for PPMC members and committers), you are saying to the world that "yes, I have download, verified and tested using the project's procedure for testing".  Your +1, 0 or -1 vote is an indication of the success of the steps listed.

The more time that each individual spends reviewing the artifacts, the higher confidence we can have in both the release itself and our ability to pass an IPMC vote later on.  Remember, we, as a podling, are going to be held to a higher standard for our releases!  The IPMC (and our mentors) are looking for us to show that we understand what it means to have a high quality release.

Test with source code release

To setup an environment for CloudStack, usually it will take a while, e.g install a hypervisor host, install Mysql server etc. Here we'll use DevCloud( to simplify the test procedure.  



Unless specified specifically, instruction steps should be assumed to be run from your local machine, not from within the DevCloud VM.  The DevCloud VM is the target runtime environment of the tests, but the instructions will push the code to that VM at the right time.

Setup environment

Install the devcloud VM image.


Install your required development tools (if not already available)


These pre-requisite development tools are not part of the release validation itself. The instructions are being provided for those testers that may not normally have these tools installed on their test system, and want to perform the expected tests. The pre-requisites listed may be be 100% complete (for example, we assume you have git, tar, etc... installed).  If you run into any issues, please ask on the mailing list.

Setup Pre-requisites on an Ubuntu 12.04 or Mint 13 machine

Code Block
sudo aptitude install openjdk-6-jdk ant
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:natecarlson/maven3
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install maven3


Code Block
sudo easy_install boto

Setup Pre-requisites on OSX

OSX users should be able to use their default JVM for this testing.


Code Block
sudo easy_install boto

Test the Build

Clean up your environment (and DevCloud)

Code Block
rm -Rf /tmp/cloudstack
rm -Rf ~/.m2
ssh root@localhost -p 2222 'cd /opt/cloudstack/; rm -rf apache-tomcat-6.0.32; unzip; cd incubator-cloudstack; git clean -f; git reset --hard; git pull --rebase; git clean -f; git  checkout origin/4.0 -b 4.0 -f '

Type the password "password" during the ssh promote.

Download the source build

Download the artifacts:

Code Block
mkdir /tmp/cloudstack; cd /tmp/cloudstack


Each of these commands should return no output. If there is any output from them, then there is a difference between the hash you generated locally and the hash that has been pulled from the server.

Extract the source code and verify the contents:

Get the commit hash from the VOTE email (ex: 4cd60f3d1683a3445c3248f48ae064fb573db2a1). The value will change between releases.


Nothing should be different.

Verify the Code's License Headers

Code Block
cd /tmp/cloudstack/apache-cloudstack-4.0.0-incubating-src
mvn --projects='org.apache.cloudstack:cloudstack' org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:0.8:check

The build should FAIL if there are any non-compliant files that are not specifically excluded from the ASF license header requirement. You can optionally review the target/rat.txt file after the run completes. If the build passes, RAT is saying that we are compliant and this test passes.


Note: If you're on Ubuntu and using the PPA:natecarlson/maven3 (viz. Installing tools above), you've to use mvn3 instead of mvn, so mvn3 -P deps

Code Block
mvn -P deps
ant clean-all build-all

Deploy into the DevCloud VM

Code Block
ant rdeploy
ant rdeploydb

Start CloudStack management server

Code Block
ant rdebug

Configure CloudStack management server

  • Access web UI: http://localhost:8080/client
  • Login with admin/password
  • Choose "I have used cloudstack before, skip this guide"
  • Click "Infrastructure", click the "View All" button in the "Zones" display box, click "add zone"
  • Select "basic zone" during the add zone wizard.
  • Type name "test cloud", dns1 "", internal dns1 "", hypervisor "Xenserver", select "local storage enabled" (Say Yes if prompted to agree), then click next.
  • Skip "physical network setup" page
  • In "pod" page, type: pod name: 'test pod', reserved system gateway:, reserved system mask:, start reserved system ip:, end reserved system ip:
  • In "guest traffic" page, guest gateway:, netmask:, guest start ip:, guest end ip:
  • In "cluster" page, type cluster name: "test cluster"
  • In "host " page, host name:, user name: root, password: password
  • In "secondary storage" page, server:, path: /opt/storage/secondary
  • In "zone creation comple", select "yes" to enable zone.

Wait for secondary storage VM coming up.

Depending on your local system configuration, and available RAM / Disk IO / Net IO, this step will take varied amounts of time.  It's reasonable to expect 30 minutes (or more), but it could be less.

You can tell if the SSVM has been started by navigating to the Infrastructure page, and clicking on System VMs.  There should be 2 listed, and their status needs to be displayed as "Started".

Add a new instance

  • In the first step of "Add instance " wizard ,  select template,
  • In step 2, select "tiny Linux"
  • In step 3, select "tinyOffering"
  • In step 4, select "No thanks"
  • Skip step 5 and 6.
  • Launch VM

Set some Global Settings

In the UI, set the following global settings:


Now CTL-C your rdebug, and then "ant rdebug" again (to restart the management server).  This step is critical!

Additional Testing

Go to the instances list, click on the name of your new instance, and then click on the "show console" button.  The console of the VM should appear in a new window.


Destroying the instance is important, and confirming that it was expunged prior to trying to test the EC2 API. This is due to the resource constraints on the DevCloud image.

EC2 testing

  • Under Accounts, generate keys for the admin user in the admin account (save these for future use)
  • Under service offerings, rename tinyOffering as m1.small
  • In your Virtual Box settings, forward port 7080 to local port 7080
  • In your local machine, cd into the awsapi-setup/setup folder of the source
  • Use the python script cloudstack-aws-api-register to register the user. Like so:


  • Confirm that the instance started via the GUI.


If we made it this far, the release has at least been reasonably "smoke tested".