Versions Compared


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Comment: Added UserRequest Service Mapping


This page shall give you an overview of old and new REST API. These changes will only affect REST URLs, content models have not been changed.

Table of Contents

Main focus on redesign REST interface was:





POST /task/create/sync

POST /tasks

Creates a new (sync) task.

POST /task/create/sched

POST /tasks

Creates a new (sched) task.

GET /task/{kind}/count

GET /tasks/{kind}/count

Returns number of tasks for matching kind.

GET /task/delete/{taskId}

DELETE /tasks/{taskId}

Deletes task with matching id.

GET /task/execution/delete/{executionId}

DELETE /tasks/executions/{executionId}

Deletes execution of task with matching id.

POST /task/execute/{taskId}?dryRun={dryRun}

POST /tasks/{taskId}/execute?dryRun={dryRun}

Executes task with matching id.

GET /task/jobClasses

GET /tasks/jobClasses

Returns a list of available jobClasses.

GET /task/syncActionsClasses

GET /tasks/syncActionsClasses

Returns a list of available syncActionsClasses.

GET /task/{kind}/list

GET /tasks/{kind}

Returns a list of task of matching kind.

GET /task/{kind}/list/{page}/{size}

GET /tasks/{kind}?page={page}&size={size}

Returns a list of task of matching kind with page contrains.

GET /task/{kind}/execution/list

GET /tasks/{kind}/executions

Returns list of executions with matching kind.

GET /task/read/{taskId}

GET /tasks/{taskId}

Returns task with matching id.

GET /task/execution/read/{executionId}

GET /tasks/executions/{executionId}

Returns execution of task with matching id.

POST /task/update/sync

PUT /tasks/{taskId}

Updates (sync) task with matching id.

POST /task/update/sched

PUT /tasks/{taskId}

Updates (sched) task with matching id.

GET /task/execution/report/{executionId}

POST /tasks/executions/{executionId}/report

Creates a report for matching execution id.

UserRequest Service




GET /user/request/create/allowed

GET /requests/user/create/allowed

Returns true/false whether user is allowed to create a new user.

POST /user/request/create

POST /requests/user/create

Creates a new user creation request.

POST /user/request/update

POST /requests/user/update

Creates a new user update request.

GET /user/request/delete/{userId}

POST /requests/user/delete

Creates a new user delete request. (Id will now be part of HTTP body)

GET /user/request/list

GET /requests/user

Returns a list of all user requests.

GET /user/request/read/{requestId}

GET /requests/user/{requestId}

Returns a user request with matching id.

GET /user/request/deleteRequest/{requestId}

DELETE /requests/user/{requestId}

Deletes request with matching id.