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Checking out AMBARI-666

The following uses Ambari git for the development process. Please keep in mind git is read only and patches will have to be uploaded and committed via svn.

Code Block

git clone git://
cd ambari
git checkout -b AMBARI-666 origin/AMBARI-666

We'll refer to the top-level "ambari" directory as AMBARI_DIR in this document.

Building Ambari

After checking out Ambari, you can build ambari with the steps below:

Code Block

$ mvn clean install 

Note: The above is for building the jars. See below for starting/deploying the Ambari Server and the Ambari Agent.

Building Artifacts and Running the Server/Agent

To build tarball artifacts run:

Code Block

$ mvn clean package assembly:assembly

This will build the Server and Agent tarballs.

NOTE: Run everything as root below.

Running the Ambari Server:

Execute the following, where INSTALL_DIR is a directory where you want to run the Server:

Code Block

$ cp ambari-server/target/ambari-server-*-dist.tar.gz INSTALL_DIR
$ tar -zxvf ambari-server-*-dist.tar.gz

Edit the Ambari properties configuration file:

Code Block

$ vim /etc/ambari/

Add the following entry:

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NOTE: replace INSTALL_DIR with the actual directory path.

Code Block

$ cd ambari-server-*
$ export AMBARI_PASSPHRASE="tmp"
$ cp /etc/ambari/ etc/ambari-server/conf/
$ java -cp etc/ambari-server/conf/:lib/ambari-server/* org.apache.ambari.server.controller.AmbariServer

NOTE: the conf directory should come first in the java classpath because guice-persist.jar includes a which will cause the Ambari to not load.

The Server will launch and run as a foreground process. Scripting will come later as we move along to run the server with proper confs/envs.

To check if the server is running and healthy, you can go to:

Code Block


The status will show as running. Or from a command line, you can run:

Code Block

curl localhost:8080/api/check

NOTE: The health check is static response for now.

Running the Ambari Agent.

The Ambari Agent requires python 2.6 to run on a host. RHEL5/CentOS5 has python 2.4 installed by default. To install python 2.6 (NOTE: you can install both 2.4/2.6 on the host), install the epel repo and then run:

Code Block

$ yum install python26.

Python needs setuptools to be able to setup the project for development. Download Added and run:

Code Block

$ sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg

To setup the Ambari Agent:

Code Block

$ mkdir -p /var/ambari /var/run/ambari /var/log/ambari /tmp/ambari-agent/

The following dev process is easier than using and is a quicker turnaround. As soon as we have a good deployment story (rpm) we will add those in.

Code Block

$ cd ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent
  • Ambari agent requires facter to get the node host information. Download facter tarball from Added and uninstall in a directory.
  • Edit facter_home in to the directory where facter is installed. The agent executes the script facter_home/bin/facter to get all the node information and also uses df to get the mount point information.
  • Ambari agent requires puppet. Download puppet tarball from Added and uninstall in a directory.
  • Edit puppet_home in to the directory where puppet is installed. The agent executes puppet_home/bin/puppet to run puppet scripts.

To run the agent:

Code Block

$ export AMBARI_PASSPHRASE="tmp"

Copy puppet modules to /var/lib/ambari-agent/puppet/

Code Block

$ cp -R ../../puppet/modules/ /var/lib/ambari-agent/puppet
$ python2.6

The Ambari Agent will just try connecting to the server. To see the logs, take a look at:

Code Block


Building and Running Ambari Web

Ambari Web uses Brunch ( as the application assembler for development purposes. Brunch is used to build and deploy automatically in the background as the developer modifies source files (JS, LESS/CSS, Handlebars template files). Brunch can also start up a Node.js-based web server with a single command so that you can easily run the application from the application root directory without any special configuration.

To build, deploy and run Ambari Web:

  1. Install NodeJS and NPM from
  2. Install Brunch
    Code Block
    $ npm install -g brunch
  3. Download dependent packages into ambari-web/node_modules directory
    Code Block
    $ cd AMBARI_DIR/ambari-web
    $ npm install

To run Ambari Web so that it works with mock data independently from Ambari Server:

  1. Start test server:
    Code Block
    $ brunch watch --server (or simply "brunch w --s")
  2. Edit ambari-web/app/initialize.js and set to test mode (testMode = true). You can optionally set to go to the install wizard or directly into the app dashboard.
    Code Block
    App.testMode = true;
    App.skipBootstrap = true;
    App.alwaysGoToInstaller = true;
  3. Access http://localhost:3333Image Added from your web browser. When you change Ambari Web source files, changes are immediately reflected.

To run Ambari Web with Ambari Server integration:

Code Block

$ mvn clean package assembly:assembly

Note: currently the mvn command does not put ambari-web in the Maven-generated package. This will be fixed in the future.

Code Block

$ cd AMBARI_DIR/ambari-server/ambari/target/ambari-server-*-dist/ambari-server-*
$ java -cp etc/ambari-server/conf/:lib/ambari-server/* org.apache.ambari.server.controller.AmbariServer
$ cd AMBARI_DIR/ambari-web
$ brunch watch

Access http://localhost:8080Image Added from your web browser. When you change Ambari Web source files, changes are immediately reflected.

Setting up Ambari in Eclipse

Code Block

$ mvn clean eclipse:eclipse

After doing the above you should be able to import the project via Eclipse "Import > Maven > Existing Maven Project". Choose the root directory where you cloned the git repository. You should be able to see the following projects on eclipse:

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|- ambari-project
|- ambari-server
|- ambari-agent
|- ambari-web

Select the top-level "ambari pom.xml" and click Finish home of the Ambari (Incubating) space.