Versions Compared


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1. Download the dictionary resources.

Go to and download the latest ZIP file from the ctakesresources project.

No example

2. Put the resources in the proper place.

Unzip the files into a temporary location, for example, C:\stuff or /tmp.
Copy the org directory (contents and subdirectories, do not replace) to <cTAKES_HOME>/resources.


Code Block
copy C:\stuff\ctakes-resources-3.1.0\resources\org C:\apache-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating\resources\org


Code Block
copy /tmp/ctakes-resources-3.1.0/resources/org /usr/local/apache-ctakes-3.0.0-incubating/resources/org


3. UMLS user ID and password.


If you do not have a UMLS username and password, you may request one at UMLS Terminology Services


Wiki Markup
If you plan to use the UMLS Resources, set/export env variables\\
 export ctakes.umlsuser=\[username\], ctakes.umlspw=\[password\]\\
 or add the system properties to the java args\\


<username> \-Dctakes.umlspw=



In order to integrate the dictionaries you will need to do two things:
(1) Change the UMLSUser and UMLSPW <nameValuePair> strings in these descriptor files with your UMLS username and password.

  • Dictionary Lookup: <cTAKES_HOME>/desc/ctakes-dictionary-lookup/desc/analysis_engine/DictionaryLookupAnnotatorUMLS.xml
  • (optional) Drug NER: <cTAKES_HOME>/desc/ctakes-drug-ner/desc/analysis_engine/DictionaryLookupAnnotatorUMLS.xml

seems like drugner

The following shows where in the files you would make the changes. (Do not change the <configurationParameters> by the same name.)

Code Block

(2) Include the DictionaryLookupAnnotatorUMLS.xml Analysis Engine within your aggregate Analysis Engine or switch to the ones provided by cTAKES. cTAKES has provided duplicates of shipped Analysis Engine descriptors, put UMLS in the name, and placed DictionaryLookupAnnotatorUMLS.xml within them for these components:

  • Dictionary Lookup
  • Clinical Documents pipeline
  • Drug NER
  • Side Effect

So you simply need to switch to using those descriptors. For example, if you were using AggregateCdaProcessor.xml in the Clinical Documents pipeline you would switch to using AggregateCdaUMLSProcessor.xml instead and you will now hook into the complete dictionaries.

You can, of course, modify your own aggregate Analysis Engine files and place the DictionaryLookupAnnotatorUMLS.xml Analysis Engine within them.
Since this is an in-memory database implementation, please be patient during the initial load as it could take approximately 20-30 seconds for the database to initialize.

If you would like to go back to using the small sample dictionaries that do not require a UMLS username, use the DictionaryLookupAnnotator.xml (UMLS is not in the file name) Analyis Engine descriptor in your aggregate. Just removing your password from the DictionaryLookupAnnotatorUMLS.xml files will not switch you back to the small sample dictionaries.


We have successfully tested the 2008 release of the full LVG data. In order to use this release of the full LVG data you should:

  1. Download either the full version or the lite version from NIH Lexical Tools
  2. Extract the TGZ file that you downloaded with a tool like 7-zip (available online) to a temporary directory. On some operating systems, like Windows, this may need to be done in two steps, 1) to uncompress and 2) to unzip.
  3. Replace the directory <cTAKES_HOME>/resources/org/apache/ctakes/lvg/data/HSqlDb with data/HSqlDb from your extracted download. Replacing the entire directory is appropriate.
  4. In the future, you can upgrade to later versions of LVG by editing the <cTAKES_HOME>/resources/org/apache/ctakes/lvg/data/config/ file, replacing "lvg2008" with the name of the new release.

Building Your Own Dictionaries

It is not likely that the UMLS dictionaries will match to your underlying data completely. Other local terms may be required, etc. To install customized dictionaries for RxNorm, SNOMED-CT, or other vocabularies that are available through the UMLS, see the following posts on the cTAKES forums:


cTAKES developers need to see if these posts still apply to cTAKES 3.0



Some models included in cTAKES may not represent your data distribution well. If you want to build or train your own models, please read the cTAKES 3.0 Component Use Guide, particularly:
