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  1. SSVM templates physical location - find the mount point by typing command "mount" . Go to the directory and under template/tmpl you will find all the templates.
  2. SSVM Apache server - For 2.2 onwards the system vms are debian based. Type "service apache2 status" to find the status. Apache root is at /www/html/
  3. Run script of java process /usr/local/cloud/systemvm/
  4. Increasing log level - 1) Edit the file /usr/local/cloud/systemvm/conf/log4j-cloud.xml 2) For the log file cloud.log change the threshold to info:  <param name="Threshold" value="WARN"/>  to  <param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>  3) Change to INFO:  <category name=""> <priority value="INFO"/> </category>  If you're not getting sufficient logging, you can also try setting it to  DEBUG.
  5. Download Complete 100% but getting error like this Failed post download script: /usr/sbin/vhd-utilvhd tool check /mnt/SecStorage/33e2e9f5/template/tmpl/345/447/dnld1469110483936142751tmp_ failed - Many reasons for this but amongst them are wrong OS selection, vhd corruption.
    Test this in the lab by copying the template to one of the hosts then on that host run
     vhd-util check -n filename.vhd
     vhd-util scan filename.vhd
  6. SSVM RAM - Set the param secstorage.vm.ram.size to in change the ram size of the vm. Default in the code is 256.
  7. Allow multiple secondary storages feature has been added in the 2.2.x series. This would help in scaling the secondary storages for snapshots. The private templates are copied to one of the secondary storages and public to all of them. The template sync happens only for  public templates.
  8. For each secondary storage there is a corresponding row created in the host table. 
  9. HTTP Server returned 403 (expected 200 OK) - For copy templates. 
    Try to see the first log for this template initiation ? It should be logged with DownloadCommand and should have the url of the source ssvm's template. Then you can try going to the destination SSVM and try downloading that url. 
    See what issues you get. I would also check the iptable rules to see if the destination ssvm is blocked from accessing the source ssvm and also if there is any .htaccess file in the apache directories forbidding the download of template
    One of the problems as was as follows.
    The problem is that we're using basic networking & have the private network setup with the same gateway & subnet as the public network.  When the storage VM comes up the public network gets setup first but then when the private network comes up on eth2 it clobbers the gateway & sets it to the eth2 interface.  So when the copy is initiated between the storage VMs it happens across the private network but the /var/www/html/copy/.htaccess file only allows the public IP of the other SSVM, thus the 403 errors. 
