Versions Compared


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A user Alice wants to test the release candidate of HBase against the stable Zookeeper and HDFS. Alice uses Jenkins job to build packages for the HBase release candidate and wants to deploy on EC2. Alice decides that she wants a single topology to be tested and she wants the underlying OS to be Ubuntu Lucid. She uses Whirr to dynamically spin 4 EC2 machines and she uses Whir-Puppet integration to deploy Zookeeper, HDFS and the latest build of HBase packages and configure them with suitable configuration. She invokes Whirr with the attached properties file and expects a fully functioning HBase cluster at the end of the Whirr execution:

No Format
$ cat

# We would like to have 1 node running all the services listed
# and 3 nodes running a different set of services
whirr.instance-templates=1 puppet:bigtop::kerberos::kdc+      \
                           puppet:bigtop::kerberos::client+   \
                           puppet:bigtop::zookeeper::server+  \
                           puppet:bigtop::hdfs::namenode+     \
                           puppet:bigtop::hdfs::datanode+     \
                           puppet:bigtop::hbase::master+      \
                           puppet:bigtop::hbase::regionserver \
                         3 puppet:bigtop::kerberos::client+   \
                           puppet:bigtop::zookeeper::server+  \
                           puppet:bigtop::hdfs::datanode+     \
                           puppet:bigtop::hbase::regionserver \

# Where to fetch the module code from

# this parameter is applicable to the entire cluster
# this one only concerns hbase master service
# this one is HDFS specific (namenode and datanode services both will get it)

$ whirr launch-cluster --config

An external wizard/orchestrator use case
