Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Archetype will only support a single version for all components. No mixing versions of individual components
  • Maven Archetype process will be completed using 5 commands or lessas few commands as possible


  • Submit INFRA ticket to create a place to put all Maven Central artifacts
  • Load/Install artifacts to Maven Central




Requires Maven 2.x and Java 1.5+

Until the archetype is made available at maven central you will need to run the following that will install the radix archetype locally.

Code Block
prompt> svn wgetco http
prompt> tarcd -xzvf radix-0.4.tgz
prompt> export PATH=${PATH}:<downloadDirectory>/radix
prompt> oodt-radix create-dms <dataSystemName> <packageName>
prompt> ./<dataSystemName>/deploy/bin/oodt start
mvn install

prompt> mkdir oodt-deploy
prompt> mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.oodt -DarchetypeArtifactId=radix-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=0.6-SNAPSHOT -Doodt=0.6-SNAPSHOT -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=dms -Dversion=0.1-SNAPSHOT
prompt> cd dms
prompt> mvn package
prompt> tar -xvf distribution/target/dms-distribution-0.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz -C ../oodt-deploy
prompt> cd ../oodt-deploy
prompt> ./bin/oodt start

Version Control

If you want to manage your OODT RADiX distribution with Subversion.


Code Block





This is the root of where the filemgr will store its archived products


This directory will be monitored by the crawler. Products to be ingested should be placed here


In a configuration that uses Lucene as a back end this directory holds the contents of that index




Any products that have failed ingestion will be placed here along with any metadata files.


Contains system level scripts to start, stop, restart the OODT infrastructure


The guts of what make the data management system work


The crawler deployment for your data management system (i.e. policy, scripts, and configuration). This component is responsible for monitoring the staging area


The filemgr deployment for your data management system (i.e. policy, scripts, and configuration). This component catalogs and archives products into the archive area.


The workflow deployment for your data management system (i.e. policy, scripts, and configuration). This component orchestrates any processing that may need to be done on your products


This is a sandbox area to test out metadata extractors, versioners, actions, etc. that you have developed to extend the functionality of the existing OODT framework.


System wide configuration
