Versions Compared


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Code Block
prompt> mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.oodt -DarchetypeArtifactId=radix-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=0.6-SNAPSHOT -Doodt=0.6-SNAPSHOT -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=dms -Dversion=0.1-SNAPSHOT
prompt> cd dms; mvn package
prompt> mkdir ../oodt-deploy; tar -xvf distribution/target/dms-distribution-0.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz -C ../oodt-deploy
prompt> cd ../oodt-deploy
prompt>; ./bin/oodt start
  • The first command is merely a place where we will put the deployment of oodt for your project after the tarball is builtThe second command is the running of a maven archetype to make an oodt project. The groupId is a place to specify your company's namespace. The artifactId is a place to specify a short name of your project. The version indicates the initial version label for your project. The oodt flag indicates the version of OODT that you want your project to be built on.
  • The third second command simply moves into the created oodt project directory where your source and configuration can be maintained and later can be placed into version control. The fourth command Then creates the distribution of your OODT project using "mvn package"
  • The fifth third command merely untars the distribution into the given created deployment directory made in the first call
  • The sixth last command moves into the deployment directory The last command and starts the OODT system.

You can now check the installation by opening a browser to http://localhost:8080/opsui or running the various command line programs for the various components.
